Non Syrian refugees

Promoting Decent Work Opportunities for Non-Syrian Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Turkey

Project Overview

The overall objective of the project is to assess the socio-economic situation of non-Syrian asylum seekers, international protection status applicants and holders and explore decent work opportunities through the conduct of labour market analyses. On the government side, the overall coordination is ensured by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Affairs DG International Labour Force.

Objectives and Activities

  • Conducting research to collect data and analyse socio-economic situation and skills of non-Syrian refugees and asylum-seekers;
  • Identifying pilot provinces to implement training and to conduct labour market analyses to explore labour market opportunities;
  • Holding consultation meetings (national, regional and local)
  • Conducting a mapping study on livelihoods services offered;
  • Awareness-raising on labour rights, non-discrimination, and the employment of non-Syrian refugees.
  • Supporting relevant public institutions to produce, compile and analyse reliable and comparable data on international migration statistics in Turkey;
  • Supporting the capacity-building of national authorities and tripartite partners;
  • Enhancing further policy dialogue on various levels on, for example, labour mobility, social protection, conditions and rights at work, business investment or transition from the informal to the formal economy.
  • Implementing pilot interventions to be scaled up;
  • Implementing certified vocational training, language and cultural education and apprenticeship programmes, mentorship programmes in the workplace and basic labour market skills training.

Target Group

  • Non-Syrian asylum seekers, international protection status applicants and  holders in Turkey (mainly from Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran)
  • Public institutions, i.e. Turkish Employment Agency, Turkish Statistics Agency, Director General for Migration Management, Local Municipalities and Governorates as well as universities
  • Workers’ and employers’ organizations

Number of total beneficiaries

4000 Non-Syrian refugees in Turkey (mainly from Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran)

Target provinces

Adana, Denizli, Samsun, Erzurum, Eskişehir, Sakarya, and Konya
Participants of a vocational training orientation seminar in Adana


USA Department of State – Bureau of Population, Migration and Refugees (US PRM)


September 2017 - March 2019 (18 months)