COVID-19: Protecting migrant workers in the workplace

Kaynak listesi | 23 Haziran 2020 Salı
  1. Report

    Locked down and in limbo: The global impact of COVID-19 on migrant worker rights and recruitment


    This report provides a global overview of the impact of COVID-19 on migrant workers – with a focus on recruitment – drawing on rapid assessments conducted by the ILO in early-mid 2020.

  2. Migration

    Experiences of ASEAN migrant workers during COVID-19: Rights at work, migration during the pandemic, and remigration plans (Second assessment)


    This study – conducted from mid-October to December 2020 – is a follow-up to the initial assessment and focuses on migrant workers in countries of destination.

  3. Policy Brief

    Protecting migrant workers during the COVID-19 pandemic


    Recommendations for Policy-makers and Constituents

  4. ILO Brief

    Ensuring fair recruitment during the COVID-19 pandemic


  5. Social Protection Spotlight COVID-19

    Social protection for migrant workers: A necessary response to the COVID-19 crisis


  6. ILO Brief

    Seasonal Migrant Workers’ Schemes: Rethinking Fundamental Principles and Mechanisms in light of COVID-19


  7. Policy Brief

    Protecting the rights at work of refugees and other forcibly displaced persons during the COVID-19 pandemic


    Recommendations for Policy-makers and Constituents


    ILO joins the UN Network on Migration in calling attention to the plight of migrant workers during this global crisis – to ensure we do not leave migrants and other vulnerable groups behind


    The UN Network on Migration calls for protection and equality of treatment for all migrants, including migrant workers.

  9. Migration

    Experiences of ASEAN migrant workers during COVID-19: Rights at work, migration and quarantine during the pandemic, and re-migration plans


  10. ILO/UN Women

    COVID-19 and women migrant workers in ASEAN



    COVID-19: Impact on migrant workers and country response in Thailand


    Country brief prepared by the ILO’s Country Office for Thailand on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on migrant workers, and country's responses.


    COVID-19: Impact on migrant workers and country response in Malaysia


    Country brief prepared by the ILO’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on migrant workers, and country responses.

  13. COVID-19: Protecting workers in the workplace

    Impact of COVID-19 on Nepali Migrant Workers: Protecting Nepali Migrant Workers during the Health and Economic Crisis


  14. ILO/UN Women

    Protecting the rights of domestic workers in Malaysia during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond



    COVID-19: Labour Market Impact and Policy Response in the Arab States


    Briefing Note with FAQs


    Impact of COVID-19 on migrant workers in Lebanon and what employers can do about it