Capacity Building Workshop on Work Statistics(19th ICLS Resolution), Working Time, Informality and Wage Statistics for SADC Social Partners

The main objective of the training is to strengthen the technical capacity of the workers’ and employers’ representatives on key international statistical standards in support of the development of decent work indicators, and in particular on the new framework for work statistics for better informed decent work policymaking, collective bargaining and enhanced participation in the tripartite national committees.

The workshop will serve the following specific objectives:

(1) Promote the understanding and sharing of best practices on the decent work measurement framework, including indicators for monitoring decent work in line with decent work policy objectives.

(2) Build capacity in labour statistics with a focus on the 19th ICLS Resolution on work statistics, employment, and labour underutilization and identify the challenges and actions for its implementation through the labour force survey and establishment survey;

(3) Strengthen capacity regarding gender mainstreaming in labour statistics to promote the production and use of statistics disaggregated by sex;

(4) Foster an understanding about key concepts and indicators related to wage statistics, working time and informality. It will also support knowledge sharing regarding the statistical information necessary for establishing and adjusting the minimum wage.