National Employment Policy

Principal Secretaries-Adoption of National Employment and Labour Policy

The Ministry of Labour in Malawi in collaboration with the International Labour Organization held a one day meeting with Principal Secretaries to discuss the National Employment and Labour Policy for Malawi whose draft was finalised in July 2012.

On 24September 2012, he Ministry of Labour in Malawi in collaboration with the International Labour Organization held a one day meeting with Principal Secretaries to discuss the National Employment and Labour Policy for Malawi whose draft was finalised in July 2012.

The meeting was officially opened by the Deputy Chief Secretary to the Cabinet, Dr. Willy Samuti. Who emphasized the importance of labour as a factor of production and highlighted why Malawi needs a National Employment and Labour Policy. He also acknowledged that NELP is designed with full cognition of the country’s national guiding strategy (MGDS II). He finally encouraged Ministry of Labour to ensure that NELP’s linkages with other policies be explored fully, and called the PSs to fully support to the NELP process.

Mr. Mwasikakata, Snr. Employment Specialist at DWT Pretoria, provided the background to the development of the NELP which was embarked upon following a request by the Government to the ILO for technical assistance. He ran through the process that has been followed for Malawi to come up with the draft NELP. He also mentioned the High Level Policy Dialogue that will take place in October 2012. Mr. Wafwile Musukwa-Deputy Labour Commissioner presented the framework of the Policy and its implementation plan to the PSs.

Some of the outcomes of the meeting included the following;
  • Malawi is ready to ratify C122;
  • That Labour Market Information will cover both public and private service and that Malawi has taken too long without adequate Labour Market Information;
  • That definition terms in the Policy be scrutinised closely;
  • That the outcomes, objectives and policy areas should speak to each other;
  • The need to distinguish labour and employment and that NELP to address labour strife currently rampant in Malawi
The development t of the National Employment for Malawi is an output of the Decent Work Country Program for Malawi which was launched by the Government, Employers and Workers in August 2011. The development of the Policy was initiated at the request of the Government in 2010 Work and has informed by a comprehensive employment diagnostic analysis to decipher binding constraints to growth and employment as well as an in depth study on the impact of the macroeconomic policies on employment generation.

The development of the National Employment Policy for Malawi is premised on Convention 122 of 1964. the convention requires that, as a minor goal, the declaration and pursuit of an active designed to promote full employment with a view to stimulating economic growth and development, raising levels of living, meeting manpower requirements and overcoming unemployment and underemployment. The Convention provides for consultation of representatives of persons affected by the measures to be taken, and in particular, representatives of employers and workers.

In October 2012 a High Level Policy Dialogue will be convened in order to stimulate discussions on Policy Options for promoting pro-poor growth in Malawi.