Strengthening the Impact on Employment of Sector and Trade Policies in Ghana

ILO implements STRENGTHEN in close collaboration with Ghana Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations (MELR), the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MoTI), the social partners as well as other national project stakeholders. The project aims to strengthen the employment dimension in sectoral and trade policies and programmes with better analysis, more coherent policy-making, and enhanced implementation to encourage employment creation and upgrading.

The specific objectives of the project in Ghana are:

1. To develop global knowledge on how to strengthen the positive impact on employment of sectoral and trade policies, including in the areas of agriculture and rural development, infrastructure and energy with a focus on private sector development in these sectors as well as on existing and relevant methods for the employment impact assessment of those policies in selected sectors.

2. To strengthen country-level knowledge on the impact of sectoral and trade policies on productive and decent employment and on measures to optimize the employment effects of selected sectoral and trade policies and related issues such as structural transformation, labour standards, and skills development.

3. To build the capabilities of governments, social partners, development practitioners, and other relevant stakeholders in partner countries to identify, measure and assess the employment effects of sectoral and trade policies.

4. To generate and improve knowledge on both the positive and negative impacts of international trade on productive and decent employment in Ghana.