Situation in the Arab States: Trade Unions Mobilize

Press release | 28 February 2011

Geneva, 28 february 2011 (ACTRAV INFO)-The situation remains tense in a number of Arab countries, where the trade unions are mobilizing in response to the violence.

“Except for the emirates, things are on the move right across the Arab world. Several unions have asked the Central Council of the International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions to look into the situation in the Arab countries, particularly Libya.”” says Ahmed Khalef, Desk Officer for Arab states at the Bureau for Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV).

In view of the unrest in this region, particularly North Africa, the ILO, at the Director-General’s request, intends to rapidly put in place a crisis resolution strategy identical to the one already operating in the Horn of Africa. To this end, a regional workshop on Employment for Peace, Stability and Development in Africa was held in Addis Ababa on 22-24 February 2011, at the initiative of the ILO Regional Director for Africa.

“Alongside the workshop just held in Addis, there will be projects to support the workers in this region of North Africa. In fact, the Director-General has asked that there should be Arab-African inter-regional cooperation.”, Ahmed Khalef explains.

For more information, contact:

Specialist in Workers’ Activities
Tél.: +41 22 799 70 87
E-mail : khalef[at]ilo[dot]org