Persons with Disabilities

Conference on Trade Union Actions on Decent Work for Persons with Disabilities

This conference serves to address trade union actions on disability in multi-sectoral forum. As well as disseminating research and raising awareness on inclusion of persons with disabilities and the relation between this and decent work, the conference will also identify ways forward for both trade unions and the ILO itself. Working together across ILO units (including ACTRAV and GED), the conference will also closely engage the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and Global Union Federations in design and execution.

Specifically, the objectives of this conference are:
  • Promote and develop trade union alliances and partnerships to guide further actions to implement decent work for PWD;
  • Disseminate research and demonstrate practical strategies and actions that trade unions can take on inclusion of disability and decent work for all;
  • Identify actions for ACTRAV and ILO on further supporting trade union action on disability and decent work 
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