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Plenary Meetings of
the 350th Session of
the Governing Body
ILO home > Meetings and events > Governing Body > Sessions > Plenary Meetings of the 350th Session of the Governing Body
N.B. The tentative order of business (TOB) may change throughout the Governing Body.
Please consult this schedule periodically. Last updated on 19-04-2024 16:58
Schedule View
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Monday, 4 March
Morning - 12:00
Institutional Section
INS 1Approval of the minutes of the 349th Session and the 349th bis and 349th ter (Special) Sessions of the Governing Body (GB.350/INS/1)
-Declaration of loyalty of a Regional Director
-Opening remarks by the Director-General
-Statements of the Employer and Worker Vice-Chairpersons and the Government group Chairperson
Afternoon - 15:30
Programme, Financial and Administrative Segment
PFA 1ILO programme implementation 2022–23 (GB.350/PFA/1(Rev.1))
Audit and Oversight Segment
PFA 6Report of the Independent Oversight Advisory Committee (GB.350/PFA/6)
Tuesday, 5 March
Morning - 10:30
Audit and Oversight Segment
PFA 7Report of the Chief Internal Auditor (2023) and Office follow-up to his 2022 report
*Report of the Chief Internal Auditor for the year ended 31 December 2023 (GB.350/PFA/7/1)
*Follow-up to the report of the Chief Internal Auditor for the year ended 31 December 2022 (GB.350/PFA/7/2)
Personnel Segment
PFA 8Statement by the Chairperson of the Staff Union (No document)
PFA 10Progress report on the implementation of the Human Resources Strategy for 2022–25 (GB.350/PFA/10)
Afternoon - 15:30
Personnel Segment
PFA 10Progress report on the implementation of the Human Resources Strategy for 2022–25 (GB.350/PFA/10) (continued)
PFA 9Amendments to the Staff Regulations (GB.350/PFA/9)
Institutional Section
INS 4Mid-term report on the implementation of the ILO Action Plan for Gender Equality 2022–25 (GB.350/INS/4)
-Extended sitting until 19:30, if necessary
Wednesday, 6 March
Morning - 10:30
Institutional Section
INS 5Update on the Global Coalition for Social Justice (GB.350/INS/5)
Afternoon - 15:30
Institutional Section
INS 7Proposed arrangements for the ILO regional meetings to be held during the trial period (2024–28) (GB.350/INS/7)
INS 8Democratization in the ILO’s governance and update on the status of the 1986 amendment (GB.350/INS/8)
-Extended sitting until 19:30, if necessary
Thursday, 7 March
Morning - 10:30
Institutional Section
INS 9Review of the functioning of the Governing Body, identification of possible areas for improvement and arrangements and time frame for results-based follow-up action (GB.350/INS/9)
Afternoon - 15:30
Institutional Section
INS 17Report of the Director-General
*Report of the 21st International Conference of Labour Statisticians (Geneva, 11–20 October 2023) (GB.350/INS/17/1)
Social Dialogue Segment
POL 2Update on the Better Work programme (GB.350/POL/2)
POL 3Sectoral meetings held in 2023 and proposals for sectoral work in 2024–25 (GB.350/POL/3 (Rev.1))
Friday, 8 March
Morning - 10:30
Legal Issues Segment
LILS 1Proposed amendments to the Standing Orders concerning the procedure for the examination of representations under articles 24 and 25 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organization (GB.350/LILS/1)
International Labour Standards and Human Rights Segment
LILS 3Fourth evaluation of the functioning of the Standards Review Mechanism Tripartite Working Group (GB.350/LILS/3)
Afternoon - 15:30
Multinational Enterprises Segment
POL 5Promotional activities with regard to the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy, including in the context of relevant developments outside of the ILO (GB.350/POL/5)
Institutional Section
INS 2Agenda of the International Labour Conference
*Agenda of future sessions of the International Labour Conference (GB.350/INS/2/1)
*Arrangements for the 112th Session (2024) of the Conference (GB.350/INS/2/2)
-Extended sitting until 19:30
Monday, 11 March
Morning - 10:30
High-level Section
HL 1Challenges and opportunities of digitalization (GB.350/HL/1(Rev.1))
Afternoon - 15:30
Institutional Section
INS 10Follow-up to the resolution concerning the measures recommended by the Governing Body under article 33 of the ILO Constitution on the subject of Belarus (GB.350/INS/10 (Rev.1))
INS 12Developments in the full implementation by the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela of the agreed plan of action to give effect to the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry in respect of Conventions Nos 26, 87 and 144 (GB.350/INS/12 (Rev.1))
INS 8Democratization in the ILO’s governance and update on the status of the 1986 amendment (GB.350/INS/8) (contiuned)
-Resumption of pending discussions
-Extended sitting until 21:00, if necessary
Tuesday, 12 March
Morning - 10:30
Institutional Section
INS 14Report by the Government of Bangladesh on progress made in the implementation of the road map to address all outstanding issues mentioned in the article 26 complaint concerning alleged non-observance of Conventions Nos 81, 87 and 98 (GB.350/INS/14(Rev.1))
INS 11Follow-up to the report of the Commission of Inquiry established in accordance with article 26 of the ILO Constitution concerning the non-observance by Myanmar of Conventions Nos 87 and 29, and to the resolutions concerning Myanmar adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 102nd (2013) and 109th (2021) Sessions (GB.350/INS/11(Rev.1))
Afternoon - 15:30
Institutional Section
INS 8Democratization in the ILO’s governance and update on the status of the 1986 amendment (GB.350/INS/8) (continued)
INS 15Complaint alleging non-observance by Nicaragua of Conventions Nos 87, 98, 111 and 144, filed by various delegates at the 111th Session (2023) of the International Labour Conference under article 26 of the ILO Constitution (GB.350/INS/15(Rev.1))
INS 13Developments in the application of the resolution concerning the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine from the perspective of the mandate of the International Labour Organization (GB.350/INS/13)
INS 9Review of the functioning of the Governing Body, identification of possible areas for improvement and arrangements and time frame for results-based follow-up action (GB.350/INS/9) (continued)
-Extended sitting until 21:00, if necessary
Wednesday, 13 March
Morning - 10:30
Development Cooperation Segment
POL 4Report on crisis-related ILO work in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (GB.350/POL/4 (Rev.1))
Afternoon - 15:30
Development Cooperation Segment
POL 4Report on crisis-related ILO work in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (GB.350/POL/4 (Rev.1)) (continued)
Institutional Section
INS 2Agenda of the International Labour Conference
*Agenda of future sessions of the International Labour Conference (GB.350/INS/2/1) (continued)
Employment and Social Protection Segment
POL 1Report of the Meeting of Experts on Wage Policies, including Living Wages (GB.350/POL/1)
Institutional Section
INS 9Review of the functioning of the Governing Body, identification of possible areas for improvement and arrangements and time frame for results-based follow-up action (GB.350/INS/9) (continued)
INS 3Review of annual reports under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1998), as amended in 2022 (GB.350/INS/3)
INS 6Follow-up to the decision to report on the modalities of the Working Party on the New Social Contract for Our Common Agenda (GB.350/INS/6)
-Resumption of pending discussions
-Extended sitting until 21:00, if necessary
Thursday, 14 March
Morning - 11:30
Institutional Section
INS 19Oral report by the Chairperson on the work of the High-Level Section
INS 16Reports of the Committee on Freedom of Association (GB.350/INS/16)
Programme, Financial and Administrative Segment
PFA 2Delegation of authority under article 17 of the Standing Orders of the International Labour Conference (GB.350/PFA/2)
PFA 3Programme and Budget for 2022–23: Regular budget account and Working Capital Fund as at 31 December 2023 (GB.350/PFA/3)
PFA 4Scale of assessments of contributions to the budget for 2025 (GB.350/PFA/4)
Institutional Section
INS 17Report of the Director-General
*Regular report (GB.350/INS/17)
*Addendum: Obituary (GB.350/INS/17(Add.1))
*Documents submitted for information only (GB.350/INS/17/2)
Private sittingGB
-Representations under article 24 of the ILO Constitution
Afternoon - 15:30
International Labour Standards and Human Rights Segment
LILS 2Proposed form for the report to be submitted under article 19, paragraph (6)(d), of the ILO Constitution on the Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience Recommendation, 2017 (No. 205) (GB.350/LILS/2)
Institutional Section
INS 9Review of the functioning of the Governing Body, identification of possible areas for improvement and arrangements and time frame for results-based follow-up action (GB.350/INS/9) (continued)
INS 6Follow-up to the decision to report on the modalities of the Working Party on the New Social Contract for Our Common Agenda (GB.350/INS/6) (continued)
INS 20Composition, agenda and programme of standing bodies and meetings (GB.350/INS/20 (Rev.1))
-Resumption of pending discussions
-Extended sitting, if necessary, until all items on the agenda have been discussed