Shan State, Myanmar – Peace, Reconciliation & Development through Community Empowerment

Ceasefire and peace process efforts as part of the reforms since 2011 have presented new opportunities to work with communities and conflict parties to make a measurable contribution to peace at the local level in areas of Myanmar affected by conflict.

Construction of Youth Training Centre in Laikha Township, Shan State - Myanmar.


This four year, EU funded project aims to contribute to peace, reconciliation and development in Shan State, northern Myanmar through the empowerment of conflict-affected communities.
ILO is the lead agency for this project in a project consortium that includes Save the Children, The Foundation of Local Development, AIDS Support Group and Maggin Development Consultancy Group.
The project works with numerous civil society groups, particularly women’s groups and youth groups and includes activities in townships and villages affected one way or another by conflict in North, South and Eastern Shan State.


1 – Conflict affected communities, with a focus on women and youth, are empowered and engaging with conflict parties.
2 – To support all stakeholders to create a safe and protective environment that supports effective and sustainable reintegration of children affected by conflict.
3 – To facilitate participatory development in conflict-affected communities based on community empowerment.


  • Communities are able to meet together to identify issues that are important to them so that these issues can be brought to the attention of local and national peace processes
  • Girls and boys enjoy a protective and rights-based environment and are in receipt of social and economic reintegration support.
  • 20,000 work days are generated through community identification and implementation of local development priorities (including infrastructure and expansion of livelihoods opportunities).
  • Vulnerable youth have received Non-formal education and livelihoods skills training.

  • Snapshot of achievements (as of November 2017)

    • Over 500 ‘community dialogues’ supported in areas affected by conflict, enabling communities to discuss how conflict affects them and giving voice to what they wish to see change. Principal issues of concern include the conduct of armed actors in civilian communities, including concerns and fears around the impact of conflict on civilian life; the prominence and effects of the methamphetamine trade and the hopes for better, more accessible social services.
    • Over 10,000 decent work, work-days generated in delivering community prioritised, small-scale infrastructure – including drinking water supply benefitting over 400 households in conflict-affected areas of Shan State.
    • Over 300 men and women provided with skills training for income generation and employment, including inter-ethnic learning and training exchanges across different areas of Shan State, sharing knowledge on income generation and farming practices and building connections across ethnic groups.

    Expected outcome

    Conflict-affected communities are empowered by the support made available under the project, making a measurable contribution to peace, reconciliation and development across the project sites in Shan State, Myanmar.