Research and publications on work and family


The ILO’s objective is to deliver high-quality, sex-disaggregated research and information, identifying recent trends and effective policies to guide the content of national policies.

High-profile publications

Over the last decade, the ILO has released several high-profile publications on work and family. These high-profile publications include:

Working papers and other informational leaflets

Over the years, the ILO has published Work and family and a series of national reports examining patterns and trends in issues, policies, and practices regarding reconciliation between paid work and unpaid family responsibilities in countries such as:

Other recent research efforts have focused on Equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men, including caregiving in the context of HIV/AIDS and the contribution of Expanding women's employment opportunities: Informal economy workers and the need for childcare to women’s employment opportunities, with focus on parents working in the informal economy. These publications contain comparative studies, implementation practices and give a detailed picture of the realities concerning work and family reconciliation around the world.