
Decision concerning the report by the Government of Bangladesh on progress made with the timely implementation of the road map taken to address all outstanding issues mentioned in the complaint concerning alleged non-observance of Convention No. 81, Convention No. 87, and Convention No. 98.

決定記録 | 2021/11/06

Taking note of the road map of actions submitted in May 2021 and of the report on progress made with its timely implementation submitted in September 2021, the Governing Body on the recommendation of its Officers:

(a) requested the Government of Bangladesh to inform it of the progress made in the implementation of the road map to address all the outstanding issues mentioned in the article 26 complaint at its 344th Session (March 2022), at which the Governing Body will again discuss the implementation of the roadmap; and

(b) deferred the decision on further action in respect of the complaint to its 346th Session (November 2022).

(GB.343/INS/10(Rev.2), paragraph 8, as amended by the Governing Body)