The Solomon Islands Human Security project

The goal of the initiative is to enhance human security for the selected communities and ex-combatants in the Solomon Islands by reducing tensions and promoting peaceful and sustainable measures for their survival and dignity.

The Solomon Islands Human Security project, is jointly formulated by the most active UN agencies within the country (UNDP, UNICEF and ILO) with comparative advantages over their specialized mandates.

Over 7,600 Solomon Islanders, representing close to 2.6% of the population  of the three target provinces, were direct beneficiaries of project services. 55% of the direct beneficiaries of services were women.

In terms of community impact, significant first steps were taken through the project in the direction of positive behavior change in key areas which constitute national priorities: trauma recovery, awareness on the advantages of peaceful co-existence, diligent use of water and sanitation facilities, and actualization of self-employment potential of community members. A special attention was paid under the project to maximize the impact on youth communities, women populations, and the traditional leaders groups.

In regards to the opportunities created for the five partner agencies, the project provided the space and occasion to ascertain advantages of joint planning and implementation as a first step towards integration of the multi-sectoral services required to advance human security in Solomon Islands. The inherent challenges of articulating a multi-dimensional but single voice on human security were gradually overcome and the joint approach started bringing the expected results.

The outputs contracted and listed in the project log frame were delivered in a proportion of around 65% of overall project target at the following sector rate:
-    58.94% for peace building and conflict prevention-related outputs,
-    55.23% for the economic security-related outputs,
-    84.78% for the water, sanitation, and hygiene-related outputs.

The ILO in partnership with the Ministry of National Reconciliation, Unity and Peace (MNRUP) focuses on addressing fundamental issues related to “Freedom from Want” approach that specifically aims to:
  1. empower their economic security and promote sustainable livelihoods for the target communities and returned ex-combatants, through income-generation measures and;
  2. improve the understanding of both the various communities and ex-combatants of the relevance of human rights and gender equality to strengthened forms of social security and decent work.
The goal of the initiative was to enhance human security for the selected communities in the Solomon Islands by reducing tensions and promoting peaceful and sustainable measures for their survival and dignity.

Main activities undertaken by ILO

1. Undertake an assessment of local economic development opportunities and skills needs using PACA methodology with additional focus on potential value chain upgrading and related skills needs assessment through CEA.

2. Provide pre-vocational skills training (life skills training) and vocational training to ex-combatants  and their families.

3. Review and adapt current ILO (gender-sensitive) enterprise development, micro-finance, and crisis response training materials to local context.

4. Implement one TOT workshop and one refresher TOT workshop during the second year (with Master Trainer).

5. Collaborate with local partners to implement Training of Entrepreneurs using the ILO's gender-sensitive materials.

6. Monitoring and evaluation of training implementation (in addition to regular self-assessments by training providers and by trainees).

7. Needs assessment concerning business development services and micro-finance services, identification of existing service providers and their services, cost, service uptake.

8. Formation of business groups among training beneficiaries, using ILO methodology and training materials, through delivery of 15 workshops on business group formation in collaboration with local partners

9. Facilitation and support for the project beneficiaries' participation in the government and private sector organized monthly market trade fairs and related promotional events where public platform is utilized to spread the message of peaceful coexistence and respect for the rule of the law (annual trade fairs in 3 provinces/city).

10. Implementation of training and awareness riasing activities related to promotion of most urgent and relevant International Labour Standards, Gender Equality and Human Rights principles.

11. Organize regular meetings between SICCI, business associations, and vocational training providers to ensure market-driven vocational training and subsequent placement of trainees in decent jobs.

12. Improve target group's aceess to sustainable diversified and affordable financial services (similar to rural areas component).

Outputs achieved by ILO

1. Up to 65% of trained beneficiaries obtain enough skills and knowledge to engage in small but sustainable self-start businesses within the context of improved social relations with partners and the communities.

2.  At least 60% of training beneficiaries in rural areas have access to business development  services to improve their sustainability and business success.

3.  Awareness raising among beneficiaries on human rights, labour rights and gender equality.

4. 300 urban ex-combatants and their communities have improved income-generating capacity through access to (pre) vocational skills training, business skills training and support, and job placement services.