

  1. Global Skills Partnership on Migration Flyer

    29 September 2021

    The Global Skills Partnership on Migration (GSPM) is an initiative between ILO, IOM, UNESCO, IOE and ITUC to join forces and mobilise expertise for the development and recognition of skills of migrant workers. It supports governments, employers and workers as well as their organisations, educational institutions and training providers, and other stakeholders to rethink migration in a way that is of mutual benefit to all stakeholders; principally migrant workers, including those who return (with a particular focus on women and youth), employers in need of skilled workforce, as well as the countries of origin and destination.

  2. Employment Policy Department Newsletter, September/October 2021

    28 September 2021

  3. ILO Disability Inclusion Policy and Strategy 2020-23

    27 September 2021

    The ILO Disability Inclusion Policy is being implemented by the ILO Disability Inclusion Strategy 2020-23, which contains indicators and targets that are aligned with the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy (UNDIS) accountability framework for UN entities.

  4. Promoting Social Cohesion and Peaceful Coexistence in Fragile Contexts through TVET -Facilitator handbook

    03 September 2021

    Facilitator handbook to accompany the Guide for TVET practitioners

  5. A Resource Guide for Sector Skills Bodies

    03 September 2021

  6. Tripartite Sector Skills Bodies

    20 August 2021

  7. Employment Policy Department Newsletter, July/August 2021

    04 August 2021

  8. ILO Skills and Lifelong Learning Newsletter, July 2021

    29 July 2021

    Monthly Newsletter of the ILO SKILLS Branch

  9. Investing in career guidance (IAG Guidance Booklet)

    15 July 2021

  10. Global framework on core skills for life and work in the 21st century

    13 July 2021

    The new ILO global framework reflects the ongoing transformations and the emerging opportunities in the world of work.

  11. Case Study: Update on improving apprenticeship in the informal economy in Niger

    30 June 2021

    The education system in Niger has poor internal efficiency, with one of the lowest enrolment rates in Africa. The majority of young people outside the education system learn trades in enterprises in the craft sector, which in Niger has at least 900,000 workers in 206 trades.

  12. Case Study: Update on improving apprenticeship in the informal economy in Benin

    28 June 2021

    In Benin, access to formal technical and vocational education and training (TVET) is conditional on finishing the second year of secondary school, equivalent to completing nine years of education. However, among 5- to 17-year-olds, the median years in education is four. As a result, only 5 per cent of secondary age youth are in TVET, totalling around 50,000 young people.

  13. Case Study: The role of apprenticeships in the informal economy for skills development in Tanzania

    28 June 2021

    The Tanzanian government first recognized the importance of informal education and training in its 1995 Education and Training Policy, which states that nonformal and informal education and training shall be “recognized, promoted, strengthened, coordinated and integrated into the formal education and training system” (para 2.3.9). Until 2011, however, implementation of these policy pronouncements, grounded in careful analysis of labour market and training needs, was lacking. Whatever training took place, was conducted through informal apprenticeships in individual enterprises and had little to no ties with formal training or recognition (WB, 2013). Acknowledging the importance of establishing bridges between informal training and formal employment the new Education and Training Policy (2014) thus devotes issue 3.3.6 to the establishment of a system of recognition of competencies gained outside formally recognized institutions (URT, 2014). Moreover, the latest national strategy for growth and the reduction of poverty (2016- 2021) pledges to assess and recognize the skills of 200.000 informal apprentices and workers by 2021

  14. Financing and incentives for skills development: making lifelong learning a reality?

    25 June 2021

  15. Developing national career development support systems: Pathways to enhance lifelong career guidance, career education and career development support for workers

    08 June 2021

    This joint report by the ILO and the European Training Foundation (ETF) presents an analysis of how to develop career development support systems, including career guidance, career education and career development support for workers.

  16. Infographic: Skilling, upskilling and reskilling of employees, apprentices & interns during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from a global survey of enterprises

    02 June 2021

    This survey report is the accomplishment of the collaborative efforts of 10 international and regional development organizations.

  17. Skilling, upskilling and reskilling of employees, apprentices & interns during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from a global survey of enterprises

    25 May 2021

    This survey report is the accomplishment of the collaborative efforts of 10 international and regional development organizations.

  18. Promoción de la cohesión social y la convivencia pacífica en contextos frágiles a través de la EFTP Guía para profesionales en EFTP

    13 May 2021

    Esta guía tiene como objetivo ayudar a los mandantes de la OIT y a los profesionales de la educación y formación técnica y profesional (EFTP) a fortalecer el papel de las políticas y programas de desarrollo de habilidades en los esfuerzos de consolidación de la paz a través del aprendizaje Inclusivo y la formación de habilidades para la cohesión social.

  19. Promoción de la cohesión social y la convivencia pacífica en contextos frágiles a través de la EFTP Guía para profesionales en EFTP

    13 May 2021

    Esta guía tiene como objetivo ayudar a los mandantes de la OIT y a los profesionales de la educación y formación técnica y profesional (EFTP) a fortalecer el papel de las políticas y programas de desarrollo de habilidades en los esfuerzos de consolidación de la paz a través del aprendizaje Inclusivo y la formación de habilidades para la cohesión social.

  20. Promoting Social Cohesion and Peaceful Coexistence in Fragile Contexts through TVET - Guide for TVET practitioners

    13 May 2021

    This Guide aims to assist ILO constituents and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) practitioners to strengthen the role of skills development policies and programmes in peacebuilding efforts through inclusive learning methodologies and the training of relevant core skills.