Employment injury schemes and the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases

The general objective of the course is to strengthen the capacity of employment-injury institutions to improve the coverage and management of occupational accidents and diseases and to promote prevention as a means to occupational safety and health.

Deadline for applications: 1 September 2012.

The course is for decision-makers from ministries in charge of occupational safety and health and social security; representatives of employers’ organizations or workers’ organizations involved in the governance of OSH and social security; and technical staff from employment-injury institutions. It will also interest other people from training institutions involved with OSH and social security issues.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
• To describe the ILO principles and experience on National OSH governance, and the role and functions of employment injury schemes in international labour standards and other related instruments.
• To describe the organizational models of the employment injury schemes of selected countries as well as its policies, strategies and best practices on prevention activities.
• To advise in the implementation of policies, strategies and approaches of employment injury schemes addressed to the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases.
• Establish conclusions and recommendations on the feasibility of applying different analyzed approaches and experiences to national and institutional contexts.
• To transfer knowledge on the different best practices to promote OSH from the employment injury schemes.