ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

271st Session
Geneva, March 1998

Committee on Sectoral and Technical Meetings and Related Issues



Effect to be given to the recommendations of the

Tripartite Meeting on the Iron and Steel Workforce of
the Twenty-first Century
(Geneva, 27-31 October 1997)

1. The Tripartite Meeting on the Iron and Steel Workforce of the Twenty-first Century: What it will be like and how it will work was held in Geneva from 27 to 31 October 1997, chaired by Mr. Arbesser-Rastburg (Employer).

2. The Meeting had before it a report entitled The iron and steel workforce of the twenty-first century, prepared by the International Labour Office.(1) 

3. The Meeting unanimously adopted conclusions on the iron and steel workforce of the twenty-first century: what it will be like and how it will work. The text of the conclusions, together with a summary of the proceedings of the Meeting, appear in the Note on the proceedings, which is appended.

4. The conclusions, in paragraphs 26 to 28, call for action by the ILO to encourage actively member States to ratify and implement the seven core Conventions of the ILO in order to ensure a basis of minimum common standards that would facilitate the improvement of working and living conditions worldwide. In view of the impact of globalization on the iron and steel industry, the ILO is requested, in consultation with experts in the field, to develop a means to facilitate the sharing of comparative information relating to working conditions, work practices and training in the industry. The ILO is also requested to promote widely the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy.

5. The Committee on Sectoral and Technical Meetings and Related Issues may wish to recommend that the Governing Body authorize the Director-General to communicate the Note on the proceedings containing the texts mentioned in paragraph 3 above --

(a) to governments, requesting them to communicate these texts to the employers' and workers' organizations concerned;

(b) to the international employers' and workers' organizations concerned;

(c) to the international organizations concerned.

6. The Committee on Sectoral and Technical Meetings and Related Issues may wish to recommend that the Governing Body request the Director-General to bear in mind, when drawing up proposals for the future programme of work of the Office, the wishes expressed by the Meeting in paragraphs 26-28 of the conclusions.

Geneva, 22 January 1998.

Points for decision:

1. TMISW/1997


Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.