ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

271st Session
Geneva, March 1998


Reports of the Officers of the Governing Body

Fourth report:
Appointments to the ILO Staff Pension Committee
(United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board)

1. In accordance with Article 3 of the ILO Staff Pensions Fund Regulations and Article 6(c) of the Regulations of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, three members and three alternate members are appointed to the ILO Staff Pension Committee (United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board) by the International Labour Conference on the recommendation of the Governing Body. The Governing Body decided at its 253rd Session (May-June 1992) that appointments to the Staff Pension Committee should reflect tripartite representation.

2. The three-year terms of office of the following Staff Pension Committee members and alternate members appointed by the Conference expire on 8 October 1998:


Alternate members:

3. Mr. Pelekanos and Mr. Yoffee have indicated that they are unavailable for reappointment.

4. During the past few days, the Government, Workers' and Employers' groups of the Governing Body have considered proposals for the next round of appointments (for the period 9 October 1998 to 8 October 2001) so that they could be placed before the current session of the Governing Body for recommendation to the 86th Session (June 1998) of the International Labour Conference. It is proposed to appoint as titular members of the ILO Staff Pension Committee (United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board), for a three-year term, Mr. Y. Chotard (representative of the Government of France on the Governing Body), Mr. J.-J. Oechslin (Employer Vice-Chairperson of the Governing Body), and Mr. M. Blondel (Worker member of the Governing Body). Mr Schibli, who has high-level experience of public and private-sector pensions schemes in Switzerland, has indicated his readiness to continue to participate in the Committee, and it is therefore proposed that he be reappointed as a substitute member for a further three-year period. However, the Officers of the Governing Body are not yet in a position to place before the Governing Body nominations for the remaining two alternate members of the Committee. It is proposed that the Governing Body should delegate this responsibility to its Officers with a view to having all nominees identified within the next few weeks.

5. In these circumstances, the Governing Body is invited to submit the following resolution to the Conference at its 86th Session (June 1998):

The General Conference of the International Labour Organization;
Appoints to the ILO Staff Pension Committee (United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board), for a period of three years until 8 October 2001, the following members and alternate members:


Substitute members:

Geneva, 20 March 1998.

Points for decision:

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.