ILO seminar in Cape Verde promotes use of the CEB Toolkit for Mainstreaming Employment and Decent Work

The seminar was held to explain the CEB Toolkit for Mainstreaming Employment and Decent Work and to promote its use at the national level in Cabo Verde. The seminar focused on two topics: Mainstreaming Employment and Decent Work in the DECRP III (Strategic Document for Growth and Poverty Reduction, 2012-2016); and Mainstreaming Employment and Decent Work in the UNDAF 2012-2016 (United Nations Development Assistance Framework).

The seminar demonstrated how the tool can be used to identify the impact and implications of employment and decent work in national development frameworks and UNDAFs in Portuguese-speaking countries (including through South-South exchanges); illustrated how the integration of concerns on employment and decent work in the DECRP III and the UNDAF can contribute to the pursuit of national development objectives; and supported solid policy coherence and the promotion of sustainable results of the "Delivering as One" strategy through the UNDAF and its alignment with the implementation of the DECRP III. Participants identified four new areas for future joint work in the UN Country Team: social protection, green jobs, governance and social dialogue, and the informal economy. Ongoing work on youth unemployment was also the subject of discussion.

The seminar included a discussion on mainstreaming employment and decent work in a collaborative framework with the UN Country Team, national policy makers and other development partners.

The seminar was attended by high-level participants including Ms Janira Hopffer Almada, Minister for Youth, Employment and Human Resources Development (MJEDRH); Ms Ulrika Richardson-Golinski, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA Representative.

The reports were presented by Ms Anita Amorim, Head of the Emerging and Special Partnerships Unit (ESPU-PARDEV), and Mr Cheikh Badiane, Mr Rédha Ameur, and Ms Joana Borges Henriques,  of the ILO Office in Dakar.

Interest in the seminar was high and participants included representatives of several ministries, the Joint Office of the Executive Committee agencies (WFP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF) and UNIDO, UN-Habitat, UNV, UNODC, UN Women, as well as workers' and employers' organizations.