The ILO at Work: Development Results 2010-2011

This report presents a snapshot of the wide range of the ILO's work in 2010-2011 by illustrating through stories, pictures, facts and figures, how the ILO's agenda to promote decent work translates into results that contribute to better lives for people through the world of work in a variety of circumstances.

Decent work is central to everyone’s well-being. In addition to providing income, work is the best route to broader social and economic advancement, strengthening individuals, their families and communities. Decent work means better, more inclusive growth, more equity and rights, less poverty and more stable development in economies, enterprises, workplaces, and ultimately in society. Decent work is a means to address the root causes of poverty and promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth, empowering countries to protect incomes and provide social security; to formulate policies aimed at increasing productivity, creating jobs and reducing vulnerability; and to eliminate human rights abuses such as child labour and forced labour.