Key publications


  1. Extending social security to domestic workers

    12 March 2021

    Key lessons learned from international experience

  2. Extending social security to workers in the informal economy

    12 March 2021

    Key lessons learned from international experience

  3. Towards solid social protection floors? The role of non-contributory provision during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond

    21 January 2021

    The COVID-19 crisis has emphasized the importance of guaranteeing access to at least essential health care and to basic income security for all over the life cycle, as stipulated in the Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202).


  1. An ILO for All Seasons-The International Labour Organization's Ways out of Crisis

    29 June 2020

    Over a hundred years, the ILO has developed International Labour Standards and Policy Responses to mitigate the effects of employment and social crises.The COVID-19 pandemic has shown how hasards move in a globalized world. It has highlighted the need to use the tools that are available for countering social and economic crises and securing the safety and health of workers. This book traces the development of these tools and the ways in which they have been successfully applied over the last hundred years.

  2. Social protection systems for all to prevent homelessness and facilitate access to adequate housing

    20 February 2020

    The role of social protection systems in reducing poverty and inequality, preventing homelessness, and facilitating access to adequate housing.


  1. The Future of Work: Trade Unions in Transformation

    29 November 2019

    It has become harder for trade unions in both developed and emerging countries to protect the rights of workers and working conditions, as shown not only in the reduction of unionization, but also the fall in the labour share of income in most countries.This issue of the Journal compiles the thoughts of leading academics on the topics that are shaping discussions on the future of work. The Journal aims to serve as a stepping stone for the labour movement in its own deliberations on how workers’organizations can react to the fundamental changes that are affecting the world of work, and that it will provide further reflections on the transformation of trade unions these changes might entail.

  2. Web Application on Freedom of Association

    02 November 2019

    How to secure and promote freedom of association? This web application provides an overview of the principles on freedom of association and explains how ILO procedures and bodies can be best used to secure and promote freedom of association across the world.


  1. Building an adequate U.S. labor and social protection system for the 21st century

    05 June 2018

    Over the last several decades the economic prospects facing U.S. workers and households have changed in substantial ways. For most, it has been a change for the worse. This paper is intended to bring analytical clarity and focus to the issues that currently confront workers, households and policy makers in the spheres of employment and social protection.

  2. The ILO MNE Declaration: What’s in it for Workers?

    01 May 2018

    The ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles Concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration) was negotiated and adopted by governments, employers and workers in 1977. It is the only ILO instrument that provides direct guidance on how companies can contribute to the realization of decent work for all and highlights the central role of freedom of association and collective bargaining as well as industrial relations and social dialogue.

  3. Brief: The ILO Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis

    20 April 2018

    Within the framework of the Regional Refugee Response and Resilience Plan (3RP), the ILO has adopted a development-focused and employment-driven strategy to support host communities and refugees in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. It aims to preserve social and economic stability and enhance resilience at the national level, in line with national plans and chapters of the 3RP. Embedded in the principles of decent work, the ILO strategy builds on its core mandate to promote employment, social dialogue, social protection and international labour standards.