Side event for the 12th Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

United Nations Indigenous Peoples Partnership (UNIPP)

An ILO event co-sponsored with OHCHR, UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA and Permanent Missions of Denmark, Finland and Ireland

Tuesday - 21 May 2013
1:15pm to 2:45pm
Trusteeship Council Chamber Conference Building, UN Secretariat

The Panel will bring together members of UNIPP Policy Board, representatives of indigenous peoples, UNCTs and governments from Nicaragua, Congo and Cameroon. Opening remarks will be followed by short presentations with a view to sharing of knowledge, including through concrete examples and experiences related to the implementation of UNIPP- supported projects. Interpretation will be provided into three languages: English, Spanish and French. 

  • Ms. Marcia V.J. Kran - Director, Research and Right to Development Division, OHCHR and UNIPP Co-Chair
  • H.E. Mr. Carsten Staur - Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Denmark to the UN
  • Ms. Myrna Cunningham - Member, UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
  • Mr. Eloy Frank - Vice Minister of the Secretariat of Indigenous and Afro-Descendant Affairs of Nicaragua
  • Mr. Pablo Mandeville - UN Resident Coordinator, Nicaragua
  • Ms. Marianne Flach - UNICEF Country Representative, Congo
  • Mr. Laurent Assogba - UNFPA Representative a.i., Congo
  • Ms. Minlend Sidonie - Deputy Director, Countering Social Exclusion, Ministry of Social Affairs, Cameroon
  • Ms. Nelly Banaken - Chief, Unit of Economic, Social and Humanitarian Issues, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cameroon
  • Mr. Devasish Roy - Member, UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and UNIPP Co-Chair
  • H.E. Mr. Jarmo Viinanen - Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Finland to the UN

Permanent Mission of Denmark to the United Nations
Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations
Permanent Mission of Ireland to the United Nations