Three Country OSH Training Workshop for Plantation Sector - Introduction and Application of Training Methodologies

The workshop will introduce application methodologies such as Work Improvement in Neighbourhood Development (WIND) and Work Improvement in Small Enterprises (WISE) for the sector.

It is organized for tripartite constituents to introduce the ILO participatory tools and focus on a) building knowledge on the subject b) understanding the current country context and c) building capacities of the tripartite partners to engage in social dialogue to explore policy level and implementation level to improve safety and health, productivity and develop a culture of safety and health in and around communities of plantations. The objectives of this workshop is as follows:

(i) Build knowledge and capacity of the tri-partite partners on national and international instruments relating to occupational health and safety with special focus on the plantation sector to engage in policy discussions and develop joint roadmap for action by identifying key priority areas.

(ii) Understand the ILO’s practical and participatory action-oriented tools [such as Work Improvement in Neighbourhood Development (WIND) and Work Improvement in Small Enterprises (WISE)]  to implement action plans for practical, low-cost ways of improving OSH in the plantation sector use of ILO action-checklists for assessing workplace OSH needs;

(iii) Understand and focus on specific gender and OSH needs for strengthening gender responsive OSH initiatives at the workplaces; and understand the issues related to prevention of workplace violence and harassment;

(iv) Building capacities to set-up and organize bi-partite (gender mainstreamed) active OSH committees and plan activities to promote participatory OSH management systems and documenting for results and evidence building.