Discussion on emerging technologies and the future of work in India

A look at how the world of work is changing in India given onset of fourth industrial revolution

Global narratives on the impact of 4IR need to be localized and re-examined. While new technologies will be developed and deployed globally, the impact on the future of work will be mediated through local political, legal and socioeconomic structures.

This technical discussion is on the key findings of an ILO working paper titled ‘Emerging technologies and the future of work in India’ which examines the likely impact of 4IR on the future of work in India, with a specific focus on job-displacement, employment conditions, and labour market inequities, as per the following programme:

Welcome and opening remarks by Ms. Dagmar Walter, Director, ILO Decent Work Team (DWT) for South Asia and Country Office for India

Chair Remarks Dr Nomaan Majid, Senior Specialist – Employment, ILO-DWT for South Asia and Country Office for India


Panel Discussion
  • Dr Rathin Roy, Director, National Institute of Public Finance & Policy
  • Dr Radhicka Kapoor, Fellow, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations
  • Dr Prabhu Mohapatra, Professor, Delhi University, Department of History
  • Dr Urvashi Aneja, Director, TANDEM Research)