
Facts on SafeWork

The ILO's SafeWork programme aims at making the workplace healthier and safer. Its objectives are:
  • to create worldwide awareness of the dimensions and consequences of work-related accidents, injuries and diseases;
  • to promote the goal of basic protection for all workers in conformity with international labour standards;
  • to enhance the capacity of member states and industries; and
  • to design and implement effective preventive and protective policies and programmes.

More in Facts on SafeWork (PDF, 104KB)

Each year, two million women and men die as a result of occupational accidents and work-related diseases. Across the globe, there are some 270 million occupational accidents and 160 million occupational diseases each year. The ILO estimates that four per cent of the world's Gross Domestic Product are lost due to accidents and poor working conditions. The ILO has never accepted that accidents and disease "go with the job". Poor working conditions are a waste of money and human resources, and hampers productivity and quality.

More in OSH in figures (PDF, 560KB)

SRO Moscow OSH strategy

The Sub-regional office in Moscow has developed an occupational safety and health (OSH) strategy to assist the countries in the region.

The main components are:
  • awareness raising and increased commitment. The 28 April - World Day for Safety and Health at Work on 28 April is the most prominent;
  • information dissemination and knowledge management for the practical improvement of working conditions. The Virtual Academy of SafeWork is disseminating over 20 000 pages of translated and regional information;
  • training and capacity building. The office is working with several ministries, the social partners, universities and training centres for local capacity building. Presently, training material on Social partnership in OSH at enterprise level and Economic costs of poor working conditions are developed;
  • developing a national and enterprise level OSH management system, based on the ILO Guidelines on OSH management systems (ILO OSH 2001) with the long term aim to create a safety culture.
More in SRO Moscow OSH strategy (PDF, 80KB)