
The ILO Country Office for the Philippines (CO-Manila) publishes a wide range of books, reports, working papers, training manuals, CD-ROMs, videos and flash movies. Some of these can be downloaded directly. Others can be requested or purchased in hard copy from the ILO Knowledge Centre in Manila or by email.


  1. Risk behaviours for HIV/AIDS among call center employees in the Philippines

    30 July 2009

    The study is a cross-sectional study of young call center employees in Metro Manila where majority of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) companies are located.

  2. ILO Country Office for the Philippines publications catalogue, June 2009

    30 June 2009

    CO-Manila's new library resource list.

  3. Decent work for all newsletter: Decent work and social justice in times of crisis

    01 June 2009

    The global economic crisis threatens advances made under United Nations-led Millennium Development Goals; it threatens to undermine progress towards reducing poverty. The core message of social justice and decent work is more significant than ever as we trace the history of the ILO 90 years ago.

  4. ILO Country Office for the Philippines publications catalogue, May 2009

    29 May 2009

    CO-Manila's new library resource list.

  5. ILO Country Office for the Philippines publications catalogue, April 2009

    29 April 2009

    CO-Manila's new library resource list.

  6. ILO Country Office for the Philippines publications catalogue, March 2009

    31 March 2009

    CO-Manila's new library resource list.

  7. Decent work for all newsletter: Hope for trafficked women

    01 March 2009

    Return and reintegration are especially hard for victims of trafficking who have experienced serious abuse. Through a three-year project on economic and social empowerment funded by the UN Trust Fund for Human Security (HSF), the ILO, with partners, developed institutional capacity with systems, tools and models for reintegration and protection services.

  8. ILO Country Office for the Philippines publications catalogue, February 2009

    27 February 2009

    CO-Manila's new library resource list.

  9. ILO Country Office for the Philippines publications catalogue, January 2009

    29 January 2009

    CO-Manila's new library resource list.

  10. Social security needs assessment survey for the informal economy in the Philippines

    01 January 2009

    The development of effective policy and strategy for the extension of social security coverage to the informal economy must be based on better understanding of the target groups and assessment of their social security needs and existing services.

  11. Case management for trafficked and severely exploited migrant workers: A manual for OWWA case officers

    01 January 2009

    This manual was created to standardize the system of service delivery and to promote and protect the well-being of affected OFWs, without necessarily undermining the uniqueness of their cases or the diversities of cultures and laws overseas.

  12. Referral system for the recovery and reintegration of trafficked persons

    01 January 2009

    This referral system was developed to strengthen the referral network of agencies dealing with trafficked persons in order to establish a systematic documentation of cases of trafficking.

  13. Coaching returned victims/survivors of trafficking toward gainful careers: A manual for coaches

    01 January 2009

    This manual is intended for service providers, social workers, case managers and all who help victims/survivors of trafficking to facilitate their economic recovery and reintegration, preferably in conjunction with psychosocial processes.

  14. Catalogue of skills and livelihood training programmes and other support services

    01 January 2009

    This catalogue seeks to provide trafficked persons with wider options to address their economic difficulties upon return. It is also intended to assist service providers in facilitating the economic reintegration of trafficked persons based on their individual needs and aspirations and ensuring that they receive the appropriate skills, vocational and enterprise development training programmes that are linked to a market demand.

  15. Rays of hope: Emerging good practices in the provision of economic and social reintegration programmes for victims/survivors of trafficking

    01 January 2009

    This publication outlines the significant accomplishments, approaches and learnings of the ILO and its implementing partners in the Philippines in working with victims and survivors and in developing national systems and tools to facilitate the efficient delivery of reintegration services.

  16. Baseline study of Agusan del Norte farming communities 2009

    01 January 2009

    A baseline study of the farming communities of Agusan del Norte is anchored on the perspective that community development and initiatives should start at the local level where local perceptions and judgments are hatched and inspired towards crafting informed policy decisions for intervention by development agencies.


  1. Managing HIV/AIDS in the workplace: Employers handbook for action

    15 December 2008

    ILO recognizes that HIV/AIDS is a public health emergency and believes that the workplace is key to prevent the spread of the epidemic as well as providing information and assistance on treatment and support.

  2. Training guide on wooden furniture (sala set making)

    14 November 2008

    Training for Rural Economic Empowerment (TREE) builds on the experience gained in earlier community-based training (CBT) projects in Mindanao and in many other countries. These CBT projects proved to be very successful at creating livelihood opportunities by providing assistance through training.

  3. Migration, gender equality and development: Overview paper

    26 September 2008

    The paper aims to provide an overview of the themes on the conference agenda and raises issues that could be considered by the participants in their discussions and debates. It raises more questions than provides answers with a view to stimulating discussion on the positive and negative aspects of the nexus between gender, migration and development.

  4. A gender perspective in labour market governance

    26 September 2008

    This study analyzes gender issues affecting labour market outcomes from three perspectives: that of labour supply, labour demand, and the role of the external factors that are driving change.