Decent work for all newsletter: Social protection - a core component of decent work

Social protection is the main theme for this issue. It includes articles on decent work, social security, safety and health, working conditions, migration and HIV/AIDS.


Social protection a core component of decent work
By Mr Kenichi Hirose, ILO

Extension of social security for workers in the informal economy
By Ms Sylvia Fulgencio, ILO

Health micro-insurance for the excluded: women in the informal economy
By Ms Annie Asanza, ILO STEP Manila

World day for safety and health at work
By Ms Annie Asanza, ILO STEP Manila

A double celebration for the Philippines - independence day and world day against child labour
By Ms Alison Wescott and Ms Imelda Catalan, ILO-IPEC Manila

Decent work in progress
By Ms Hilda Veronica Tidalogo, ILO

ILO ADB RETA regional consultation in Manila talk about labour standards and development
By Ms Diane Lynn Respall, ILO

ILO support to indigenous peoples’ development
By Mr Domingo Nayahangan, ILO INDISCO Manila

UN olympics and new staff members
By Ms Julita Yap, ILO