Exclusive breastfeeding in the workplace

Nutrition Security and Maternity Protection (NSMP) through Exclusive and Continued Breastfeeding Promotion in the Workplace

The NSMP Project aims to promote exclusive breastfeeding in the workplace to advance women’s rights to maternity protection and to improve nutrition security for the Filipino children. It is identified as one of the components of the Maternal and Young Child Nutrition Security in Asia (MYCNSIA) Project of the UNICEF which aim to position nutrition security in the policy and development agenda.

The NSMP Project implementation anchors on the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund (MDG-F) Joint Programme (JP) on Ensuring Food Security and Nutrition for Children 0-24 Months in the Philippines in terms of the promotion of exclusive breastfeeding in the workplace (EBFW). The MDG-F JP was implemented from 2009-2012 to support government’s efforts in improving breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices among children 0-24 months of age. Its objectives are to contribute in increasing breastfeeding practice in the cities of Naga, Iloilo and Zamboanga and in improving the capacities of national and local governments and stakeholders to promote and implement programmes on Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF).

The project is designed to support the principles the international instruments and national policies such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC); the ILO Convention on Maternity Protection, 2000 (No. 183); the ILO Convention on Workers with Family Responsibilities, 1981 (No. 156); the Expanded Breastfeeding Act (Republic Act No. 10028); and the National Milk Code (Executive Order 51).

Main activities:

  • Documentation and dissemination of good practices on EBFW through conduct of studies on EBFW and recognition of workplaces with outstanding EBFW programmes.
  • Support of EBFW advocacy through media events, communication workshops and conduct of local level policy.
  • Technical assistance through conduct of trainings, programme management, monitoring and evaluation and peer education on EBFW the formal sector.
  • Support to workers in the informal sector in the implementation of EBFW programmes through the development and pre-testing of EBFW programme management training modules for LGUs, conduct of training on EBFW programme monitoring and evaluation tool for LGUs and EBFW peer education for workers in the informal sector.
  • Production of information, education and communication (IEC) materials to promote breastfeeding in the workplace such as the NSMP Toolkit published in November 2014. The project is currently working on a second edition of the NSMP Toolkit which will contain specific modules for working breastfeeding mothers, employers, workers and health practitioners to promote breastfeeding in the workplace. The second edition will be released in August 2015 in time for the celebration of the Breastfeeding Month.

Main outcomes:

  • At EBF promotion among workers in vulnerable employment mainstreamed in the local councils of the three pilot cities, leading to the inclusion of provisions targeting employees in disadvantaged work conditions in the local ordinances to promote EBFW in the three pilot cities.
  • At least 80 representatives from 40 companies trained in programme management, monitoring and evaluation and peer education for business firms towards ensuring sustainability and periodic evaluation of their EBFW programmes.
  • There are 52 stakeholders from the government, workers and employers organizations participated in the advocacy and communication workshop to craft plans to promoting EBFW.
  • Ninety five workers in vulnerable employment and 61 trade union members were trained as EBFW Peer Educators, while 26 peer education groups were organized among trade union members. Peer Educators serve as front-liners in the promotion of EBFW in their respective workplaces.
  • Thirty five trade union member-representatives from formal workplaces in Metro Manila and three pilot areas were involved in the National Consultation on Sustaining EBF/IYCF in Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs). This resulted in crafting of initial drafts of CBAs with provisions for EBFW, and to the passage of a national resolution supporting EBFW.

For further information please contact:

ILO Country Office for the Philippines (CO-Manila)
19th Floor, Yuchengco Tower
RCBC Plaza, 6819 Ayala Avenue
1200 Makati City, Philippines
Tel. +632 8580 9900
Fax +632 8856 7597