Decent Work

Decent Work Country Programme Preparatory Workshop for Workers

The ILO in partnership with workers organizations in the Philippines discussed priorities and perspectives in preparing the next Decent Work Country Programme. Representatives of workers organizations, national federations and trade unions also provided insights on the findings of the Decent Work Country Diagnostics.

The ILO has embarked on the process of formulating a Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) in the Philippines. The Decent Work framework is based on four key pillars: ILO principles and standards, employment, social protection and social dialogue, The DWCP seeks to support the priorities of the government, employers’ and workers’ organizations, and national objectives.

For workers organizations, the DWCP for Philippines is an opportunity for trade unions to focus attention on bringing about change in some priority areas and provide opportunities for workers organizations to improve workers’ rights, including freedom of association and collective bargaining and to build just and inclusive societies.

The DWCP is anchored on the national policy and development agenda, which will contribute to relevant components of the Philippine Development Plan, AmBisyon 2040, the DOLE’s labour and employment agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. Participation in the DWCP of workers' organizations promote inclusivity and a rights-based approach to sustainable development.

In the consultation, Ms Diane Lynn Respall, ILO Senior Programme Officer a.i. presented the ILO’s Policy Framework and how it is linked with the Decent Work Country Programme that incorporates national development priorities and the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as priorities of workers and employers. She also highlighted the principles of the theory of change and the Results-based Management (RBM) as tools for identifying areas of work for delivering decent work aspirations of constituents.

The ILO brought together key representatives from national federations and trade unions who shared their perspectives and priorities during the presentation of Atty. Ernesto Bitionio on the key findings of the Decent Work Country Diagnostics.

Mr Khalid Hassan, Director of ILO Country Office for the Philippines, highlighted social dialogue as a key strategy for the formulation of the Decent Work Country Programme. He also emphasized that the unions’ voices, views, perspectives and ideas are important as they are in the best position to articulate the real needs and aspirations of workers and their families.