Diagnostic Tool on Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining in the Filipino Export Processing Sector

The ILO is creating global tools to enhance its constituents' capacity to promote freedom of association and collective bargaining in the rural and export processing sectors. A diagnostic tool will identify gaps in national law and practice; it will also identify opportunities and means available to the national tripartite constituents to take remedial action on freedom of association and collective bargaining rights in the export processing sector through a national plan of action.

The purpose of the diagnostic tool is to gather realistic information of existing problems and their context. On that basis, a plan of action can be created by the constituents with ILO support. ILO experts will examine national law and practice in relation to freedom of association and collective bargaining in the electronics and call centre sub-sectors of the Filipino export processing sector.

For further information on the diagnostic process, contact Lisa Tortell at tortell@ilo.org