Signing of the Framework Partnership Agreement between ILO and ECOEMBES

The ILO Office for Spain and the non-profit organisation ECOEMBES have signed a framework collaboration agreement with the aim of establishing the general basis for collaboration between the two organisations to promote the circular economy, responsible consumption and the just transition to green economies.

Noticia | 3 de febrero de 2023
Begoña de Benito, Director of External Relations and CSR of ECOEMBES, Félix Peinado, Director of the ILO Office for Spain, Virginia Moreno, Head of External and Institutional Relations of ECOEMBES, and Sara López, Advisor of the ILO Office for Spain.
ECOEMBES is a non-profit organisation, whose corporate purpose is the design and organisation of systems aimed at the selective collection and recovery of packaging waste, for its subsequent treatment and recovery.

Repair, recycle and reuse are the pillars of the circular economy, and the ILO recognises how moving towards a circular economic model offers numerous opportunities to achieve social goals: it can act as a net generator of decent and green jobs by decreasing the environmental impact of enterprises; improving resource efficiency; fostering business competitiveness and has the potential to create new sustainable enterprises in key economic sectors. Specifically, the ILO estimates that 7 million jobs could be created globally through the transition to the circular economy.

With this new alliance, both entities will promote initiatives, campaigns and reports on the promotion of responsible and sustainable consumption, environmental protection and practices that favour the greening of the economy.