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World Day for Safety and Health at Work


Message by Mr. Juan Somavia, Director-General of the International Labour Office

Message by the Mr. Juan Somavia - (pdf 43.83 KB)
This message by Mr. Juan Somavia addresses managing risk in the work environment as the theme for the 2008 World Day for Safety and Health at Work.


My life, my work, my safe work - Managing risk in the work environment - Report - (pdf 1460 KB)
This report focuses on managing risk in the work environment. All managers and workers need to think about how to control and reduce risks in their own workplaces to prevent injury and protect their safety and health. It highlights the need for governments, employers, workers and their representatives, as well as research and training institutions and international organizations to work together to reduce the vast human and economic burdens of work-related accidents and diseases.
These files are also available on an ftp server, along with native files for professional printing. To access them, please send a request by email to

2008 Report

SafeDay 2008 Presentation

Presentation 2008  SafeDay Presentation - (pdf 1,789 KB)
This presentation covers the critical points of the World Day Report for 2008. It can be used to promote SafeDay, either in part or as a whole.


My life, my work, my safe work - Managing risk in the work environment - Poster
Low resolution - (pdf 78 KB) This poster is a small version at low resolution. It is good for use on the web or for printing small versions.
High resolution - (pdf 904 KB) This poster is a larger version at high resolution. It is adequate for quality A4 or A3-page printing.
JPG format - (jpg 465 KB)

These files are also available on an ftp server, along with native files for professional printing. To access them, please send a request by email to

2008 Poster

The posters may be reproduced in their entirety and without adaptation or alteration, in an appropriate context.
The unaltered poster may also be inset within a larger poster prepared by another organization with appropriate wording saying, for example, that it "joins", "supports", or "is committed to" the ILO campaign on World Day for Safety and Health at Work.


Bookmark 2008

My life, my work, my safe work - Managing risk in the work environment - Bookmark - (pdf 299 KB)
This file contains a bookmark with the design and theme for this year's World Day for Safety and Health at Work. The reverse side includes "World Day for Safety and Health at Work" translated into 19 different languages.

This file is available on an ftp server, along with professional quality graphics files which will permit full quality printing. To access these files, please send a request by email to


My life, my work, my safe work - Managing risk in the work environment - Postcard - (pdf 308 KB)
This file contains a postcard displaying this year's design for World Day for Safety and Health at Work. It includes "World Day for Safety and Health at Work" translated into 19 different languages.

This file is also available on an ftp server, along with professional quality graphics files which will permit full quality printing. To access these files, please send a request by email to
Postcard - Click on the image to enlarge 

Key resources

Last update:10.12.2009 ^ top