ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations




International Chemical Control Toolkit

Identification of the volatility/dustiness

    Hazard Group A    

low volatility medium
             volatility high volatility low dustiness medium dustiness high
             dustiness Click on the appropriate area of the graph to identify the volatility or dustiness of the substance.
Liquids - volatility: low, medium or high
  • You need the boiling point of your substance. Find it in Section 9 of the Material Safety Data Sheet(MSDS) or under Physical properties in the International Chemical Safety Card (ICSC).
  • In addition to the boiling point you will need to know the process temperature at which the task is carried out.
  • Find the graph point that corresponds to both the boiling point and the process temperature. It decides for the volatility of the liquid.
Solids - dustiness: low, medium or high
  • Low: Pellet like solids that don’t break up. Little dust is seen during use e.g. PVC pellets, waxed flakes
  • Medium: crystalline, granular solids. When used, dust is seen, but settles out quickly. Dust is left on surfaces after use e.g. soap powder.
  • High: fine, light powders. When used, dust clouds can be seen to form and remain in the air for several minutes e.g. cement, carbon black, chalk dust.

Updated by AS (CIS), approved by PB (SafeWork). Last modification: 20.06.2006.