Training cum workshop on job portal and labour market information database management system

The training is a knowledge sharing on the newly developed job portal, its operation and application.

Funded by KOICA, the ILO Project on Labour Market Information and Employment Services (LIfE) focuses to improve employment services, labour market information systems and provide better and easy access to labour market information services.

The Government of Nepal has established 14 Employment Service Centres (ESCs) under the Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE) through Department of Labour (DoL), to meet the pressing need of providing quality employment services and labour market information to job seekers, enterprises and concerned labour market actors.

The Employment Service Centres play an important and active role to match jobseekers with employers for better employment services.

The specific objectives of the training cum workshop are to:

•    Share project progress review
•    Share information about the public job portal
•    Apply tools of job portal
•    Provide constructive feedback on the portal and database management system
•    Collect innovative ideas for better matching jobseekers and employers needs and expectations.

The participants are from ESCs, Labour Offices, Department of Labour and Ministry of Labour and Employment.

With the leadership of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Department of Labour, the newly developed job portal, will make formative changes within existing practices and shape the future direction of employment services in Nepal.

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Inauguration by Mr Bhuwan Prasad Acharya, Director General, Department of Labour, Ministry of Labour and Employment, 17 June 2017, Nagarkot, Kathmandu