2nd National Labor Conference

The conference, organized by His Majesty's Government, Ministry of Labor and Transport Management - Central Labor Advisory Committee with the objectives of getting recommendations for reforming policy and legal provisions, suitable to the present time context, necessary for revising labor and employment policy, present laws and institutional structure for promoting social dialogue among social partners and other stakeholders.


The 2nd National Labor Conference was organized in Kathmandu from 12- 14 January 2005 by His Majesty's Government, Ministry of Labor and Transport Management –Central Labor Advisory Committee with the objectives of getting recommendations for reforming policy and legal provisions, suitable to the present time context, necessary for revising labor and employment policy, present laws and institutional structure for promoting social dialogue among social partners and other stakeholders.

The conference was attended and actively participated by the concerned bodies of HMG, Employers’ organization, Trade Union Federations, Global Union federation and other concerned national and international organizations including the ILO.

In the conference, discussions and interactions were made on the following subjects.

  • Labor and Employment Policy;
  • Review of the recommendations of the First Labor Conference;
  • National Action Plan on Decent Work;
  • Master Plan on Child Labor;
  • Labor Relation, Industrial Productivity and prevailing macro labor policies on the context of Globalization;
  • Macro Economic policies relating to labor;
  • Social Dialogue; and
  • Labor Migration and Foreign Employment.

After the inauguration of the conference, 6-thematic workshops were conducted where 4 commentators in each session made their comments on the working paper presented by the experts. Chairpersons of the each technical session presented the proceedings and reports of the technical workshop at the plenary session and all participants got involved in the discussion during the plenary sessions.