Employment and social inclusion policies at the core of the poverty agenda

The Commission for Social Development adopted resolution E/CN.5/2012/L.7, on the priority theme “Poverty Eradication” addressing global concerns over the continuing high levels of unemployment and underemployment, particularly among young people, and recognizing that decent work remains one of the best routes out of poverty.

News | 01 March 2012

In this context, the Commission invited donor countries, multilateral organizations and other development partners to continue to support the efforts of Member States, developing countries in particular, to promote full and productive employment and decent work for all. The text also recognized that social protection floors can provide a systemic base to address poverty and vulnerability and invited Member States to take stock of the Global Jobs Pact in addressing inequalities.

It stressed that the benefits of economic growth should be distributed more equitably, and in that regard “called upon States to promote more equitable participation in and access to economic growth gains through, inter alia, policies that ensure inclusive labour markets and by implementing socially responsive macroeconomic policies in which employment has a key role and social inclusion strategies that promote social integration, including through social protection floors, including for those who are in vulnerable or marginalized situations.”

The resolution will be transmitted to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) for consideration as a contribution to the high-level segment of its substantive session of 2012.