Business Opportunities and Support Services (BOSS) Project - IRL (Timor-Leste)

The Timorese Government, in particular the Ministry of Economy and Development (MED) understands well that Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) is the engine for growth and poverty reduction. This project will support relevant public and private institutions to deliver need/market oriented services to entrepreneurs, promote a better coordination and alignment of private sector initiatives and contribute to “private-sector-sound” rural development strategy

Project description

The Timor-Leste private sector is severely under-developed and many prevailing challenges and constraints prevent its sustainable growth and development. Against this backdrop, real need / market-oriented strategies and instruments have to be put in place and the main partners involved in the process of private sector development must operate in an integrated and coordinated manner.

The Project will support the Ministry of Economy and Development and its Institute for Business Support (IADE) and the National Directorate for Rural Development (NDRD) as well as other relevant stakeholders, at national and local levels, to deliver need/market-oriented services to MSEs and contractors, promote a better coordination and alignment of private sector initiatives and contribute to a “private-sector sound” rural development strategy.

Project strategy

The Project strategy is based on a systemic approach to enterprise development that addresses a range of needs and challenges of Timorese MSEs. In particular, the Project intends to tackle some of the main problems and constraints identified by the Timorese entrepreneurs: lack of dialogue and coordination between the public and the private sectors; lack of market access for products and services, ineffective utilization of local resources / opportunities, limited involvement of private sector in Government service delivery and weak managerial and entrepreneurial knowledge.

The immediate objectives of this project are:

  • Increased business opportunities for micro and small enterprises in target sectors and districts;
  • Nationwide access to enhanced and innovative market/need oriented business development services; and
  • Increased MED commitment and capacity to mainstream gender in all policies, programs and activities.