Events and meetings


  1. Palm Oil Multi-Stakeholder National Dialogue

    10 October 2017

    To develop a joint common action as well as to promote decent work in the palm oil industry in Indonesia, employers' and workers' organizations in collaboration with the ILO is conducting a a palm oil multi-stakeholder national dialogue with the palm oil's multi- stakeholders.

  2. Training of Counsellors of the Financial Service Providers

    9 - 13 October 2017

    The ILO thorugh its PROMISE IMPACT Project is aimed to build the internal capacity of financial service providers (FSPs) through training of their account/loan officers.

  3. 10th ASEAN Forum on Migrant Labour: National Tripartite Preparatory Workshop

    4 October 2017

    The ASEAN Forum on Migrant Labour (AFML) is an open platform for the review, discussion and exchange of good practices and ideas between governments, workers’ and employers’ organizations, and civil society on key issues facing migrant workers in Southeast Asia. Each year the forum develops recommendations to advance the implementation of the principles of the ASEAN Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers.

  4. Seminar on wage inequality in the workplace

    19 September 2017

    Based on the ILO's global wage report 2016-17 findings, the seminar will review to what extent inequality between enterprises and within enterprises has contributed to the overall wage inequality.

  5. ILO - Ministry of Manpower Forum: Two-year Implementation of Social Security for Workers in the Digitalization Era

    7 September 2017

    Social Protection is a priority area of ILO constituents in Indonesia as listed on the Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP). The importance of developing a national social security system that provides adequate protection for all was reaffirmed at the High Level Tripartite Dialogue on Employment, Industrial Relations and Social Security held in Jakarta in August 2016.

  6. Book Launching and Monologues: “Inspiring Life Stories of Indonesian Domestic Workers”

    10 August 2017

    The development of information and communication technologies, specifically the Internet, has led to the emergence of citizen journalism which means the active role of citizens in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminating news and information.

  7. Sensitizing Youth Groups of Jakarta on the Plight of Domestic Workers and Child Domestic Workers

    22 July 2017

    The event is aimed to sensitize Jakarta youths regarding the plight of child domestic workers and to raise the public awareness on the issues about Decent Work for Domestic Workers in Indonesia and Elimination of Child Domestic Labour.

  8. Third Decent Work Country Programme Tripartite Steering Committee Meeting

    18 July 2017

    The Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) for Timor-Leste 2016-2020 serves as a framework to support Government of Timor-Leste to achieve its National Strategic Development Plan (SDP) 2011-2030.

  9. Stakeholder Consultations on Case Study on Occupational Safety and Health in Palm Oil Supply Chain in Indonesia

    12 - 14 July 2017

    The consultation is aimed to present and exam the case study on occupational safety and health (OSH) in palm oil supply chain in Indonesia.

  10. Decent Work in Garment Sector Supply Chains in Asia: Industrial Relations Scoping

    11 - 21 July 2017

    Assessments will be undertaken to document the context, potential partners, challenges and opportunities for a regional programme focusing on industrial relations and decent work in the garment sector.

  11. Regional Skills Technical Working Group (RSTWG) Meeting

    10 - 11 July 2017

    In close collaboration with ASEAN Secretariat, ILO has initiated the implementation of Mutual Recognition of Skills (MRS) to assist ASEAN Member States (AMS) in preparing themselves for a region with free flow of skilled labour.

  12. Launch and Interactive Review of Indonesian Domestic Workers’ Legal Cases: “Improving Access to Justice for Domestic Workers and Child Domestic Workers”

    16 June 2017

    Violence against domestic workers, both domestic violence as well as labour related, is high in number. JALA PRT, an NGO deals with the rights of domestic workers, has indicated that there are numerous legal cases involving domestic workers, despite the deliberation of the Law on Elimination of Domestic Violence (Law No. 23/2004) and the Law on Child Protection (Law No. 35/2016).

  13. SCORE Preparation Meeting for ILO OECD Workshop on Productivity and Working Condition in Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises

    13 - 16 June 2017

    SCORE aims to help Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) through an intensive and hands-on methodology, effective and easily implemented, so that SMEs are more productive, more competitive and cleaner, and can provide more jobs and decent work for their employees.

  14. Regional Seminar for Strengthening Governance in Global Supply Chains by Promoting Global Framework Agreements and Other instruments

    29 - 31 May 2017

    Global supply chains have contributed to economic growth, job creation, poverty reduction and entrepreneurship and can contribute to a transition from the informal to the formal economy. They can create opportunities for suppliers to move to higher value products and enabled workers to access to high skilled employment with better working conditions and higher pay.

  15. Training of Trainers on Start and Improve Your Business

    12 - 24 May 2017

    The training of trainers is aimed to assist the financial service providers (FSPs) enhancing their internal capacity so they could provide better services to their clients.

  16. World Day for Safety and Health at Work: The Launch of OSH4Youth and SafeYouth@Work Projects

    28 April 2017

    In response to employment challenges for young workers, the ILO Youth Employment Programme has developed the training package “Youth Rights @Work: Decent work for young people” that consists of a guide for facilitators and a toolkit that provide hands-on examples of rights and entitlements of young workers as well as recruitment practices and workplace situations.

  17. Workshop on Improving the Working Conditions of Domestic Workers: Application of Employment Contract

    27 April 2017

    The ILO has been promoting the use of Standard Contracts for Domestic Work around the world, as a concrete and practical means to both providing better working conditions to domestic workers as well as recognizing and raising-awareness of their rights as workers.

  18. Training of Trainers on Youth Rights at Work

    17 - 21 April 2017

    In response to employment challenges for young workers, the ILO Youth Employment Programme has developed the training package “Youth Rights @Work: Decent work for young people” that consists of a guide for facilitators and a toolkit that provide hands-on examples of rights and entitlements of young workers as well as recruitment practices and workplace situations.

  19. The Future of Work Initiative: National Dialogue on Technology and Jobs

    17 April 2017

    The Future of Work initiative was launched by the Director General of the International Labour Organization (ILO) at the Conference in 2013, and it will culminate at the centennial Conference in 2019. At the country level, the Government of Indonesia (GoI) has committed to actively lead the implementation of this initiative. As part of this process, the GoI in partnership with ILO is organizing a series of national dialogues to help shape the thinking and policy responses.

  20. Symposium on Strategic Labour Law Compliance in Indonesia through the Labour Inspection System

    4 - 6 April 2017

    Given the range of national experience and innovation on labour inspection as well as private compliance, including in Indonesia, this proposed Symposium is an opportunity for the Indonesian Government together with its social partners to further discuss an overall strategy for workplace compliance through labour inspection that corresponds to the labour market and governance characteristics of the country.