Virtual Workshop on Sector Skills Council for Tourism and ITC Industries in Indonesia

The overall objective of the virtual workshop is to consider different international examples of sector based industry engagement mechanisms,


Indonesia has experienced skill gaps and shortages, reflecting a mismatch of skills supply and industry demand. This contributes to unemployment and underemployment, particularly for youth. The statistics suggests that youth unemployment rate in Indonesia was at 17.04 percent (2019), higher than the global average of 13 percent.

While there are many factors that affect skills mismatch, one issue is the lack of industry engagement in skills development at the local, national and sector levels. This includes engagement of industry representatives in proving industry intelligence on key skill issues as well as developing national competency standards that shape curriculum development, vocational training and assessment.


The overall objective of the virtual workshop is to consider different international examples of sector based industry engagement mechanisms, and agree on the best mechanism to support business engagement in skills development in hotel and tourism and ICT sector in Indonesia in addressing skills mismatches.
Specific objectives of the virtual meeting are the following:
  1. To identify potential challenges and opportunities faces by the sector on skills development
  2. To identify the possibilities role and function of Sector Skill Council/ Forum/Mechanism in supporting skills development in Indonesia