News and press releases

This is a list of official ILO press releases issued by the ILO office in Jakarta and Timor-Leste. Some are available in multiple languages, indicated on the top of each release. The most recent release is at the top.


  1. Business coaching to help transgender entrepreneurs thriving the pandemic

    28 May 2021

    Majority of transgender persons rely on their livelihoods on entrepreneurship. Yet, the COVID-19 pandemic has hit small and medium enterprises the hardest. The ILO’s business coaching programme helped transgender entrepreneurs surviving the pandemic.

  2. Extending social protection to Indonesian digital workers

    11 May 2021

    Digital and gig economies have created enormous opportunities and enhanced productivity of workers, businesses and the overall society. Yet, they also pose serious threat to decent work and fair competition.

  3. Report highlights need for gender equality in Asia’s garment sector

    06 May 2021

    A new ILO report 'Moving the needle: Gender equality and decent work in Asia’s garment sector' examines the status and trends relating to women and gender dynamics in Asia’s garment sector while providing a roadmap for action to accelerate progress towards gender equality.

  4. The resilience of Indonesia’s OSH System is tested during the pandemic

    04 May 2021

    The ILO and its partners commemorated the World Day for Safety and Health at Work by examining efforts taken by relevant stakeholders, including mass media organizations, in ensuring long-term OSH investments and resilient OSH systems in Indonesia.

  5. © KB Mpofu / ILO 2024

    ILO calls for resilient occupational safety and health systems for future emergencies

    28 April 2021

    Better national occupational safety and health policies, institutional and regulatory frameworks, that are also integrated into crisis response, are needed, says the International Labour Organization.

  6. Break the glass ceiling of gender equality at work

    26 April 2021

    Around the world, more and more women are participating in the labour market. However, women are still inadequately represented at the labour market and gender barriers remain.

  7. Soft skills training to prepare youth entering the world of work

    21 April 2021

    Technology advancement and industrial change have substituted manual jobs with machine and digitalization, requiring humans to acquire new skills to survive in the world of work. While technical skills are still relevant, soft skills play a key role in defining success at work.

  8. Strengthening employability of female youth in the STEM sector

    15 April 2021

    The ILO supports the greater participation of women in the digitalization. Three young women share their journeys to strengthening their employability and competitiveness for better future.

  9. Mentorship to encourage more female youth entering STEM sectors

    07 April 2021

    The ILO applies a mentorship in its training programme to encourage more female students entering and participating in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) related sectors.

  10. Indonesia to learn from the United Kingdom to set up public employment service

    01 April 2021

    Following the release of unemployment benefit regulation, Indonesia is now strengthening employment agencies' capacity to provide training and job placement service for the unemployed. Policymakers in Indonesia learned from other countries experiences in developing effective public employment service.