Social protection

Mapping social protection systems in Pakistan - The status of current systems in line with the UN Social Protection Floor concept

This study maps social protection schemes across Pakistan’s Federal Government and four provincial governments, along the lines of the four basic guarantees enshrined in the ILO Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202). It delineates the key features of these schemes with reference to the lifecycle and by the type of protection offered.

This report maps existing efforts to extend social protection systems across Pakistan. It sheds light on the nature and scope of current social protection programmes, revealing both the opportunities and the challenges posed by fragmentation, among other factors. It also assesses the extent to which these schemes and programmes are aligned with the Social Protection Floor concept, providing insights on where improvements can be made. This study is a joint output of the United Nations Sustainable Development Framework 2018-2022’s (One UN Programme III) Outcome Group 10 on Social Protection and a contribution to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The study also contributes to the Decent Work Country Programme 2016-2020, which has identified extending Social Protection Floors as one of its four priority areas.