

  1. Publication

    Micro factors inhibiting education access, retention and completion by children from vulnerable communities in Kenya - Summary

    15 March 2010

  2. Publication

    Micro factors inhibiting education access, retention and completion by children from vulnerable communities in Kenya

    15 March 2010

    This study situated formal schooling as a deterrent for child labour. While schooling keeps children off labour, both push and pull factors lead to a somehow systematic exclusion of vulnerable children. Understanding this exclusion process is rather complex, especially complicated by micro factors which may only be understood through extremely focused investigations.

  3. Publication

    Assessment of implementation and enforcement machinery to combat child labour in Jamaica: Summary Report

    01 February 2010

    The incidence of child labour in Jamaica, as legally defined, is relatively low for developing countries. However, at least 11.6% of 15-17 year-olds are involved in economic activity, usually of a hazardous, low-wage character. This results from a disjuncture between the maximum age limit at which basic education is provided - Grade 9, or about age 16 - and the age of adulthood.


  1. Publication

    Legislative Compliance Review on Child Labour Laws in Fiji

    01 September 2009

    This report examines Fiji¿s compliance with the ILO Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No.138) and ILO Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182). Fiji ratified Convention No. 182 in 2002 and Convention No. 138 in 2003. The Employment Relations Promulgation 2007 updated Fiji¿s labour laws and brought them more in line with Convention No. 138 and No. 182, however, there are still major gaps in the application of the Conventions in Fiji¿s laws.


  1. Publication

    TACKLE - Combater o trabalho infantil pela educaçao em 11 países: levar as crianças do trabalho para a escola

    01 June 2008