

  1. Publication

    Be the change - Community mobilization pack

    01 October 2011

    This manual is the result of a collaborative effort between the International Labour Organization, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations Children¿s Fund (UNICEF) as part of the UN Joint Programme on Trafficking (UNJPT) in Zambia.

  2. Meeting document

    World Day Against Child Labour 2011: Zambia TACKLE activities report

    01 July 2011

  3. Publication

    Child Labour Information kit for the Media in Zambia

    01 June 2011

    This information kit is intended to give brief and easy to use informationn on child labour for the media institutions in Zambia. It is aimed at equipping the media with the right information to enhance the media capacity in reporting child labour accurately and adequately.

  4. Poster

    Let's prevent child labour in Jamaica pamphlet

    01 April 2011

  5. Meeting document

    Pacific Sub-Regional Workshop for Workers' Organization on "Social Dialogue and Child Labor"

    01 April 2011

    Workshop report: Nadi, Fiji 7-9 February 2011. The training workshop on Social Dialogue and Child Labour for focal points of workers' organizations, is a step towards achieving the commitments made in the PAP-DW. In particular, the training workshop addresses the commitment in the PAPDW to continue progress on ratification of all eight ILO Core Conventions to have national laws and practices that are aligned with Core and Governance Conventions.

  6. Publication

    Adopt a school

    11 January 2011

    A Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE) Initiative


  1. Meeting document

    National workshop for schools' welfare guidance and counselling officers, Georgetown, Guyana, Workshop Report

    01 December 2010

    This workshop was held specifically for Guidance & Counselling Officers and also Schools Welfare Officers.

  2. Publication

    Child Labour in Fiji - A survey of working children in commercial sexual exploitation, on the streets, in rural agricultural communities, in informal and squatter settlements and in schools

    01 December 2010

    This research tells us that too many children in Fiji are being put at risk of exploitation. Too many children are missing out on their childhood and the benefits of education. Many children are victims of the worst forms of child labour, including commercial sexual exploitation and hazardous work. Among the important voices heard in this research are those of children themselves. We salute their courage in sharing their experiences.

  3. Meeting document

    Child labour sensitisation in commemoratrion of Labour Day and building momentum towards WDACL 2010 - Zambia TACKLE activities

    01 July 2010

  4. Meeting document

    Relatório da missão de cooperação sul-sul

    01 May 2010

    Oficina Países Africanos e Brasil (de 16 a 26 de Maio de 2010)O Governo do Brasil se comprometeu em apoiar os países africanos em termos de capacitação técnica e de disponibilização de recursos para fazer frente ao problema. Nesta conformidade, a convite do Governo Brasileiro, Angola e outros países africanos participaram de um encontro de intercâmbio e planificação nos estados da Bahia e Brasília..