Awareness-raising materials

This section includes materials specifically designed or packaged for advocacy on the subject and supporting awareness-raising campaigns at the national or international level. Of a narrative or audio-visual nature, the selected tools are either specifically targeting the media and communication experts, or are more broadly supporting advocacy campaigns for the general public.

IPEC/UNICEF/Ministry of Social Welfare and Special Education: Child domestic labour campaign: Posters and other advocacy and awareness-raising materials. ILO, Islamabad, 2005.
Target audience: Child domestic workers and their employers, government’s officials, media, and general public
Recognising the urgent need to bring a behavioural, social and legal change in Pakistan to recognise child domestic labour as one of the worst forms of child labour, IPEC and UNICEF have recently launched a public awareness campaign. This set of information, educational and communication materials have been developed to facilitate the advocacy efforts of the IPEC project which is being carried out through seminars and social debates with the media, parliamentarians, governmental representatives and the civil society. Materials include posters, (in English and Urdu), logos, stickers and leaflets, which are intended to promote and support adequate and effective strategies and actions for the protection of child domestic workers. (English and Urdu: Leaflet, logos, posters and stickers)

IPEC/Idara-E-Taleem-O-Aagahi (ITA): The communication strategy for child domestic labour. ILO, Lahore, 2005 (1st Rev: 10 March 2006).
Target audience: Communication experts and practitioners in charge of advocacy and awareness raising
This working paper targets practitioners and communication experts in charge of designing a communication strategy on child domestic labour. It defines the aims and objectives of a communication campaign, identifies various target groups and the specific behavioural change objectives to be set for each of them as well as the suggested strategies and channels to promote such change. Developed in Pakistan. (English)

IPEC: Trapitos al sol: Relatos sobre niñas y niños trabajadores domésticos en Colombia. ILO, Lima, 2003.
Target audience: General and specialised audience
Compilation of testimonies of child domestic workers and their mothers in Colombia. Each chapter is dedicated to the different context in which each child lives and works with the aim of bringing to light the complexity of the realities many children have to face and therefore contribute to child domestic work prevention and eradication. (Spanish)

IPEC: Por un futuro sin trabajo infantil. ILO, Lima, 2006.
Target audience: General public and media and communication experts
This is a 14 minutes radio programme on child domestic labour, part of a broader radio information campaign on child labour carried out in Latin America. It describes the experience of a child domestic worker from her own point of view. This material is accompanied by an explanatory guide on the aims, content and methodology of the broader radio campaign. (Spanish: mp3 audio file and explanatory guide)

IPEC: Criança precisa de proteção. Não de Patrão: O trabalho infantil Doméstico na sociedade. ILO, Brasilia, 2003.
Target audience: General public, government officials and practitioners
This awareness-raising document has been developed in Belo Horizonte, Brasil, with the cooperation of the NGO “Circo de Todo Mundo”. It presents, in visual format, some of the main issues concerning child domestic labour in the country. It also contains basic information on the applicable legislative framework, some national figures on child domestic labour and a useful contact list of relevant national institutions. Finally it provides an overview of the NGO activities in the State of Minas Gerais. (Portuguese)

IPEC: Tejiendo redes contra la explotación de niños, niñas y adolescentes. ILO, Lima, 2005.
Target audience: General public, government officials and practitioners
Strategy paper of the project “Weaving networks against the exploitation of children and adolescents”, initiated by the ILO in order to combat child domestic labour and sexual exploitation in Colombia, Chile, Paraguay and Peru. (English and Spanish)

CNN: Child domestic workers in Central America. CNN World Report (video), 18 June 2004.
Target audience: General public
CNN reports that more than 40,000 girls in Central America have been exploited as child domestic workers, some have been abused and kept in slave conditions. (English)

IPEC/ Casa Panchita (Grupo Redes): Nancy ahijadita. ILO, Lima, 2003.
Target audience: General public
Video broadcasting with awareness-raising purposes on child domestic workers situations in Peru. It takes the personal perspective of the child domestic workers to highlight the discrepancies between their initial aspirations and expectations and the reality they often have to face. It also focuses on the importance of school attendance and on the role of key community actors, such as teachers, to detect, prevent and denounce situations of exploitation and abuse. (Spanish)

IPEC: Behind Closed Doors: Child domestic labour. ILO, Geneva, 2004.
Target audience: General public
Leaflet containing basic information on the causes and risks related to child domestic labour and on the existing international legal framework and the ILO response to the problem. It also calls for national and international action to eliminate and prevent this phenomenon. (English, French and Spanish)

IPEC: Commercials on child domestic labour in Cambodia. ILO, Phnom Penh, 2006.
Target audience: General public
Examples of 3 commercials broadcast in Cambodia as part of a public information campaign on child domestic labour: spot 1 (Kmher), spot 2 (Kmher with English subtitles) and spot 3 (Kmher)

IPEC: Commercials on child domestic labour in Colombia. ILO, Bogotá, 2004.
Target audience: General public
Examples of 4 commercials broadcast in Colombia as part of a public information campaign on child domestic labour: “Valore y respete el trabajo de quien ayuda a organizar su vida” (No. 1); “Valore y respete a quien mejor le sirve” (No. 2); “De los 15 para abajo, es explotación y trabajo” (No. 3); “Abandonar la escuela para trabajar solo empobrece” (No. 4). (Spanish with English subtitles)

IPEC: El trabajo infantil de casa particular en Guatemala. ILO, San Jose, 2003.
Target audience: General public
Brochure aimed at raising public awareness on the phenomenon of child domestic labour in Guatemala, with a particular focus on their ethnic origins. (Spanish)

IPEC: El trabajo infantil y adolescente doméstico... pesa demasiado: Historias de vida de siete niñas y adolescentes mujeres trabajadoras domésticas en casas de terceros en Centroamérica, México y República Dominicana. ILO, San Jose, 2002.
Target audience: General public
Compilation of testimonies of seven child domestic workers in Central America, Mexico and the Dominican Republic. Through their voices and personal experiences this document aims at providing a first-hand view on the complex reality of child domestic labour and makes the phenomenon known to the general public. (Spanish)

IPEC: Garçons et filles dans le service domestique. ILO, Geneva, 2004.
Target audience: General public
Brochure aimed at raising public awareness on the phenomenon of child domestic labour in Haiti. (French)

IPEC: Quería una vida mejor... ¿Y qué voy a hacer hoy en día?. Análisis cualitativo de entrevistas a extrabajadoras y trabajadores infantiles domésticos. Vol. 2. ILO, Asunción, 2003.
Target audience: General public
This report, based on personal interviews with adults who had been child domestic workers, aims at better understanding and providing information about the complexity of the phenomenon in Paraguay. The retrospective view of the adult domestic worker on her experience as a child domestic worker is a powerful way to sensitise the reader on possible risks, consequences and impact of this kind of activity. (Spanish)

IPEC/ANDI/UNICEF: Media analysis reports and materials. ILO, Brasilia, 2003 & 2004.
Target audience: Media and general public
Material developed by ILO Brazil on the media approach toward the issue of child domestic labour. The aim of the research was to sensitise journalists, media professionals and communication experts on the important role and responsibilities of the media on the fight against the worst forms of child labour including child domestic labour. It provides them with key information and tools to better recognise the critical issues around child domestic labour and to elaborate a better information and communication response. These materials include a book (Crianças Invisíveis. O enfoque da imprensa sobre o Trabalho Infantil Doméstico e outras formas de exploração) and 4 periodical quantitative and qualitative analysis documents of published media papers and reports. (Análise de Mídia 1; Análise de Mídia 2; Análise de Mídia 3; Análise de Mídia 4). (Portuguese)

IPEC: Contribución al ABC de la comunicación para prevenir y eliminar el trabajo infantil doméstico en Sudamérica. ILO, Lima, 2004.
Target audience: Media
This report documents, synthesizes and evaluates the IPEC experiences on communication strategies to prevent and eliminate child domestic labour in Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay and Peru. It includes a complete inventory and analysis of communication materials developed under the project on the prevention and elimination of child domestic labour in South America. (Spanish)

IPEC: Trabajo infantil doméstico en Paraguay: Orientaciones para comunicadores sociales. ILO, Asunción, 2003.
Target audience: Media
This document, based on interviews with journalists and representatives of civil society organisations, describes and analyses the media approach to child domestic labour in Paraguay. It includes specific recommendation for a change on how to provide information on the issue and a compilation of existing media codes of conduct from different parts of the world specifically addressing the issue of childhood. (Spanish)

IPEC/Ministerio de Educación: Cartilla para alumnos: Alto a la explotación infantil y adolescente. ILO, Lima, 2006.
Target audience: Students
This leaflet is the result of a joint initiative between IPEC and the Ministry of Education of Peru. It contains basic information packaged in a simple and visual way to sensitise students on the causes, impact and possible responses to child domestic labour. It also includes a list of organisations and institutions in charge of child protection. (Spanish)

IPEC/ANDI: In loco: Pautas e fontes para a questão do trabalho infantil dómestico. ILO, Brasilia, 2002 & 2003.
Target audience: Teachers, media, and relevant public institutions
Compilation of 3 information and awareness-raising materials on the main issues concerning child domestic labour. These were part of an information campaign on the subject carried out in the framework of an ILO coordinated project in Brazil on December 2002, June 2003 and September 2003. One of these leaflets is of a pedagogical nature and contains ideas on practical exercises for teachers and educators. (Portuguese)

IPEC/Comisionado de los trabajadores para la prevención y erradicación del trabajo infantil en Honduras: Su postura frente al trabajo infantil doméstico. ILO, Tegucigalpa, 2006.
Target audience: Trade union movement and general public
Trade union leaflet raising the awareness on the issue of child domestic labour. Developed in Honduras in collaboration with CTH, CCT, CUTH, COSIBAH, COCOCH, CNC. (Spanish)