Yemen: Projects

Project title

Start date

End date


Supporting the time bound programme in Lebanon and Consolidating action against the worst forms of child labour in Yemen (Phase II)

30 September 2004

31 May 2008

United States

Objective: This project will contribute to the elimination of child labour in Lebanon and Yemen through the support to the elaboration and implementation of the National Policy and Programme Framework (NPPF). By the end of the project: (1) the legislative framework in relation with the WFCL will be harmonized with international standards and enforcement mechanisms strengthened, (2) the national capacity to implement policies and programmes tackling WFCL and to enforce relevant legislation will be enhanced, (3) there will be increased awareness in Lebanon and Yemen about the negative consequences of the WFCL in the country and how to deal with this problem and (4) effective interventions to serve as model will have withdrawn and prevented from exploitative situations boys and girls in WFCL and children at risk of being engaged in WFCL in selected areas.


Enhancing national capacity in child labour data collection, analysis and dissemination through technical assistance to surveys and training

30 September 2006

30 September 2011

United States

Objective: This project will contribute to the elimination of child labour, particularly through better statistical estimates, quantifiable information and research for improved policy and programme formulation. This project aims to: (1) strengthen national knowledge bases on child labour through the establishment or extension of nationally-representative statistical information on child labour, with a particular emphasis on hazardous forms and specific studies on bonded child labour, (2) build national capacity through training for selected national counterparts on child labour concepts, data analysis, rapid assessments and baseline surveys, (3) improve access to and usage of child labour statistics through the establishment of web-enabled mechanisms for accessing child labour statistics and micro datasets at the country, regional and global levels.