IV International Convention against Child Labour

The main objective of the event is to assist the 2013 Global Child Labour Conference with the support of the work coming from Latin America in the elimination of child labour. To help achieve the overall goal of elimination of the worst forms of child labour by 2016, the event will help analyze overall progress and identify remaining challenges.

The Fourth International Convention against Child Labour, “Contributions to the Elimination of Child Labour in Latin America: A Change towards 2013 World Convention”, held in 2012 and 2013, is divided in four sub-regional on-site conventions. These conventions will be taking place in Ecuador, Panama, Mexico and Brazil and will be preceded by virtual debates on the web: www.redcontraeltrabajoinfantil.com

The main objective of the event is to assist the 2013 Global Child Labour Conference with the support of the work coming from Latin America in the elimination of child labour. To help achieve the overall goal of elimination of the worst forms of child labour by 2016, the event will help analyze overall progress and identify remaining challenges.

The conclusions of the IV International Convention will be forwarded to the Government of Brazil, which will be serving as the host country. The Government of Brazil is also a member of the organizing committee of the III World Convention on Child Labour, “Strategies for Accelerating the Pace of the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour”.

The IV International Convention against Child Labour held in Mexico will be addressed to the Government, social partners and NGOs in the country as well as international organizations (ILO, UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF, ECLAC, OAS, EU and UN GLOBAL OCMPACT). The Convention will arrange several areas for knowledge sharing work-shops, roundtables and the keynote speech presented by Kailash Satyarthi, President of the Global March.

In addition, there will be a discussion about the roadmap involving the participation of representative members of the ILO, UNDP, UNICEF and UNESCO.

The following topics are to be discussed at the convention:
  1. Trafficking for purposes of labour exploitation in terms of migration
  2. Educational policies to eliminate child labour in indigenous peoples.
  3. Strategies and national plans for prevention and elimination of child labour.
  4. Intervention models for the prevention and elimination of child labour.