Project timeline

MAP timeline

The global MAP methodology - developed to strengthen national capacities in self-assessing progress made toward decent work – is articulated around nine steps intertwined with Project activities. Government, workers’ and employers’ organizations are involved in these steps, at all times.

Step 1 - Background studies on labour market information system

In the preparation of national studies, MAP takes an overview of all existing programmes and projects activities related to decent work. It examines all existing data collection instruments (periodicity, coverage, topics covered, concepts, sample design, available series and disaggregation) in order to determine data availability and eventual gaps. The background studies become then a basis for the identification of national decent work Indicators and provide new data collection tools to be developed during ensuing tripartite consultation workshops.

Full list on Activity 4: Background country studies on labour market information systems and data collection

Step 2 -  Tripartite consultation workshops

Tripartite workshops are being organized in order to assess background studies presented as a basis for the identification of national DW Indicators and future data collection tools. Participants provide a list of priority indicators for monitoring DW programmes and national policies and discuss on the future data collection tools to fill the eventual gaps identified in background studies. The tripartite discussions provide national lists of decent work indicators, identified through a voting system, and other indicators/tools/disaggregation relevant for national partners. Core indicators – covering the four pillars of decent work – are to be monitored regularly and integrated into national monitoring system of national development plans and into the monitoring system of Decent Work Country Programme.

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  Step 3 - Improving statistical instruments

National efforts are being conducted to improve statistical instruments, with technical advice from ILO. These efforts focus on designing questionnaires on labour force surveys (LFS) and specific modules used in conjunction with LFS, on sample design, data tabulation and administrative data compilation.

Full information on Activity 6: Data collection and analysis support

Step 4 - Data compilation

Based on the national lists of decent work indicators, data is compiled to produce statistical and legal indicators.

Full information on Activity 6: Data collection and analysis support

Step 5 - Databases on DW statistics

From the compiled data, support is provided to enhance or develop national databases on decent work and ensure process’ sustainability. Support is provided to regional initiatives on developing regional databases on DW from harmonized definitions and data and also, to global databases on DW developed by the ILO.

Full information on:
  Step 6 - Preparation of Decent Work Country Profiles

The analysis of decent work indicators and trends in the socio-economic context of the country - main progress and remaining gaps – leads to the production of Decent Work Country Profiles, conducted by national consultants under the supervision of Tripartite Technical Committees or Steering Committees of DWCP (in countries where a decent work programme is being undertaken).

Full information on Activity 7: Country-studies on decent work indicators - Profiles

Step 7 - Tripartite validation workshops

Government, employers’ and workers’ organizations debate on profile results in validation workshops, where they discussed how the results should feed back into policy making and act on policy recommendations. These workshops give also the opportunity to examine how indicators can be used in DWCP monitoring and discuss further improvements to the methodology used for producing DW indicators and analyzing trends.

The profiles are a key instrument for designing and monitoring the DWCP, as they inform on national context and provide baseline information to identify target indicators for monitoring purposes.

Full information on Activity 8: Tripartite validation workshops of Decent Work Country Profiles

Step 8 - Media campaigns and launch events at national level

Country studies are published and accompanied by active media campaigns- through media briefs, poster and online promotion, audio-visual media encounters - to disseminate main findings and raise awareness among policy makers and social partners.

Full information on Activity 9: Launch events and media campaigns

Step 9 - Regional knowledge-sharing workshops

MAP is carrying out workshops in each region to disseminate methodologies, statistics and best practices from pilot countries. It also provides training for national partners from countries not covered by the project.

Full information on Activity 10: Regional training and knowledge-sharing workshops

Step 10 - MAP global meeting

The global meeting of experts, held 27-29 June 2012 in Geneva, brought together producers and users of decent work indicators to share experiences and discuss main challenges for measuring and monitoring decent work at the national level.

Full information on Activity 1: MAP meeting on measuring and monitoring decent work

Step 11 - Toolkit for mainstreaming DW into the EU TC projects

The project will produce a toolkit for mainstreaming decent work in social and non-social development cooperation projects to ensure wider and more practical dissemination of decent work indicators and the mainstreaming of decent work to the donor community.

Full information on Activity 13: EC Toolkit for mainstreaming decent work

Step 12 - Global conference

The final activity of the project will be a global conference (mid-2013) to present and discuss the new “global methodology for the self-monitoring and self-assessment of progress towards decent work”, seeking to raise global awareness and to determine future steps in mainstreaming the methodology in all decent work country programmes (DWCP).

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