SCORE – Seminar for joint learning between the public and private sector in providing effective assistance to improve productivity and working conditions in SMEs - SMEs for SDGs

The seminar is expected to help participants to share good practices of how public and private SME assistance programmes can provide services that reach scale as well as to enhance the capacity of program designers and implementers to develop and deliver these programmes.

SMEs constitute of 97% enterprises and account for over 50% of employment in Vietnam. However, they lag productivity of larger firms, and as a result, wages tend to be low. To narrow the gap between SME sector and the rest of the economy, many governments have set up programmes to support SMEs to improve productivity and effectiveness. Besides, business membership organizations and multinational firms also play critical roles in providing effective support to SMEs and boosting productivity. These three actors have a common goal - more productive SMEs that provide decent work - though they often act in isolation from each other. This seminar will bring together important actors in the field to share good practices and forge relationship to improve the effectiveness of SME services.