Training package on development of a national programme of occupational safety and health

Module 4: National programmes of occupational safety and health

Module 4 provides guidance on the concepts, content and methodology for the drawing up of a National OSH Programme, as well some guidance on the processes of its launching, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting.

Instructional material | 10 June 2013
The aim of this module is the upgrading of the competencies of OSH specialists and tripartite decision makers, in order to enable them to draw up, implement and evaluate a National OSH Programme.

At the conclusion of the module trainees will be able to:
- describe a practical approach for the drawing up, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and review of a National Occupational Safety and Health Programme;
- define the most relevant concepts used in the planning, monitoring, evaluation and review processes;
- participate in the collaborative process for the setting of goals, activities, resources, timelines and so on for the drafting a National OSH Programme;
- monitor implementation and evaluate the National OSH Programme.