Publications & technical tools


  1. Publication

    Workplace smoking: A review of national and local practical and regulatory measures

    01 March 2004

    This working paper, based to a large extent on an informal survey carried out by ILO SafeWork in 2003, sets out to provide an overview of attitudes, legislation and practices related to smoke-free workplaces in different parts of the world. It could serve as a background paper for further ILO tripartite discussions leading up to a new international instrument.

  2. Policy

    A strategy for workplace health and safety in Great Britain to 2010 and beyond

    27 February 2004

    This strategy is designed to promote the vision of the Health and Safety Commission (HSC), which is to see health and safety as a cornerstone of a civilised society and, with that, to achieve a record of workplace health and safety that leads the world. This strategy builds on success and develops and takes forward the Revitalising Health and Safety Strategy Statement of June 2000.

  3. Publication

    Report of the WHO technical meeting on sleep and health

    24 January 2004

    Bonn, Germany, 22-24 January 2004

  4. Publication

    ILO code of practice on safety in the use of synthetic vitreous fibre insulation wools (glass wool, rock wool, slag wool) [computer file] / International Labour Office, InFocus Programme on Safety and Health at Work and the Environment.

    15 January 2004

  5. Publication

    Women workers and gender issues on occupational safety and health - information note

    01 January 2004

    Information note by Valentina Forastieri Coordinator Cluster on Health Promotion and Training International Programme on Safety Health and the Environment

  6. Policy

    Global strategy on occupational safety and health: Conclusions adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 91st Session, 2003

    01 January 2004

    The Conference Conclusions outline a global strategy on occupational safety and health. They confirm the role of ILO instruments as a central pillar for the promotion of occupational safety and health. At the same time they also call for integrated action that better connects the ILO standards with other means of action such as advocacy, awareness raising, knowledge development, management, information dissemination and technical cooperation to maximize impact. The Conclusions pinpoint the need for tripartite national commitment and national action in fostering a preventive approach and a safety culture which are key to achieving lasting improvements in safety and health at work.

  7. Publication

    Using the ILO Code of Practice and training manual - Guidelines for employers

    01 January 2004

  8. Publication

    IMO Guidelines for the Development of the Ship Recycling Plan

    01 January 2004


  1. Publication

    Joint ILO/WHO Committee on Occupational Health - Report

    09 December 2003

  2. Publication

    Preventing and responding to violence at work

    08 September 2003

    Provides guidance on how to design, implement, and evaluate workplace violence prevention programmes and policies.

  3. Publication

    Violence and stress at work in the performing arts and in journalism

    01 June 2003

    This review aims to identify issues relating to violence and stress affecting employees working in the media and the performing arts, covering a variety of jobs including acting, dancing, musical performance, media work and front-line journalism.

  4. Publication

    ILO standards-related activities in the area of occupational safety and health: An in-depth study for discussion with a view to the elaboration of a plan of action for such activities

    26 May 2003

    International Labour Conference, 91st Session 2003, Report VI, Sixth item on the agenda

  5. Publication

    ILO standards-related activities in the area of occupational safety and health: An in-depth study for discussion with a view to the elaboration of a plan of action for such activities

    26 May 2003

    Based on a survey carried out among ILO constituents, this report is aimed at examining the impact, coherence and relevance of ILO standards and related activities in the area of occupational safety and health and to develop a consensus on a plan of action to increase their impact.

  6. Publication

    Safety in numbers: Pointers for a global safety culture at work

    28 April 2003

    On the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, we put the spotlight on promoting safety at work. This report sets out the challenges that we face and points the way ahead. Awareness must be accompanied by engagement and action. Working together with our constituents and other relevant actors, the ILO looks forward to being part of a renewed effort to promote safe work worldwide.

  7. Publication

    Alcohol and drug problems at work. The shift to prevention

    11 January 2003

    Provides background information and a framework for the development and implementation of a prevention-oriented approach to workplace alcohol and drug problems. This volume examines the advantages of establishing workplace substance abuse initiatives and shows how enterprises of all sizes can set up and implement their own programmes to deal with this growing problem.

  8. Publication

    Implementing the ILO code of practice on HIV/AIDS and the world of work. An education and training manual

    10 January 2003

    A valuable educational and training tool, this comprehensive manual offers practical guidance for formulating viable policies and programmes to combat HIV/AIDS in the world of work. Aimed at protecting the rights and dignity of workers, their families, and all people living with HIV/AIDS, the education and training material provided here can be applied to all sectors, public and private, formal and informal.

  9. Sectoral Activities Programme Working Paper 195

    How to prevent accidents on small construction sites

    01 January 2003

  10. Publication

    Helping small businesses prevent substance abuse

    01 January 2003

    Provides background information and a framework for the development and implementation of a prevention-oriented approach to workplace substance abuse.

  11. Publication

    Technical Guidelines for the Environmentally Sound Management of the Full and Partial Dismantling of Ships, Basel Convention of UNEP, Geneva, 2003

    01 January 2003


  1. Publication

    Preparedness and response for a nuclear or radiological emergency : Safety requirements

    01 November 2002

    This Safety Requirements publication establishes the requirements for an adequate level of preparedness and response for a nuclear or radiological emergency in any State. Their implementation is intended to minimize the consequences for people, property and the environment of any nuclear or radiological emergency.