Improving Safety and Health at Work through a Decent Work Agenda

The equivalent of four plane crashes each and every day. This is how many people go out to work each day and don't return home because they die in a workplace accident. Thousands more die of work-related diseases. But these accidents and illnesses are preventable. Coordinated action at national and enterprise level is improving workplace safety and health, as well as directly benefiting business productivity, cost-saving and competitiveness. The EU and the ILO's programme on Safety and Health at Work and the environment SafeWork have engaged in a joint project to improve safety and health at work in five countries across three regions of the world: Honduras, Malawi, The Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, and Zambia. The successes reached in these countries can be replicated around the world, leading to safe and healthy, decent workplaces for all.

Date issued: 26 November 2012 |