Improving occupational safety and health systems in Central Asia

The project adddresses the urgent need for international support to the Central Asian countries in the endeavour to reinforce the national systems and programmes on occupational safety and health (OSH), particularly in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. This support is needed to systematically improve the working conditions and environment.

The project consists of five phases: i) study of the OSH situation and the development of national OSH profiles, ii) preparation of national OSH programmes and preparation of standards, guidelines and training material for the implementation of modern OSH systems, iii) capacity building of local resources , iv) introduction of OSH management systems in model enterprises and OSH training on OSH management systems and risk assessment aimed at enterprises and assistance to introduce OSH management systems at enterprise level, v) capacity building and introduction of OSH management systems at selected enterprises in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

The project uses a multitude of materials (training manuals, videos, etc.) elaborated by the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA), which have been adapted and translated for the region.

A core of trained OSH specialists is emerging in the target countries, which is providing training for selected high-risk enterprises. The presence of model enterprises having introduced modern OSH management systems will affect the upgrading of the OSH legislation in these countries. The missions of KOSHA experts, participating in local seminars, will boost the process and increase the visibility of the project.